refer daw ni sa mga male prosti and female nga naay sakit nya magcge pa ug *** para daw dili na daw mokalat....
refer daw ni sa mga male prosti and female nga naay sakit nya magcge pa ug *** para daw dili na daw mokalat....
Forumers comment without reading the passage in the first post. Please read the first post.
The issue in this thread is about what the Pope really said. And not about being pro-condom or not.
the pope said prostitutes should use condoms..thats good.....
There are different versions of how people have interpreted what the Pope said either Pro-church or not. What matters most now is NOT what the Pope said but on what YOU believe in this current issue (RH Bill, Pro-Life, Pro-Choice). You and only You is in-charge of yourself - Not the Pope, not the church.
Well said.
What matters most is how we react and handle ourselves if we are presented with a situation...
to USE or NOT to use. XD
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