1. darkwing - darkwing75
2. wAn_eyE - AeyE
3. ashleyriot - ashleiriot
4. chan2x
5. chilho
6. igaton
7. saosin_demo - saosin_demo
8. derkie - BatangGamay
9. QualityControl
10. isaac - cpxpc
11. azure - jonaldlozada
12. tux-dlc - tux-dlc
13. jayr168 - jayr168
14. softtouch - softtouchph
15. twisted_180 - tWiStEd180
16. edgeowns - sweetmisery129
17. ps3gamer - adiktus888
18. kratos83 - alphonse_d_13th
19.centax error - reconx
20.inting mnemonic - intingMNEMONIC
21. edge827-edge827
22. teH_tHirD - djtudz
23. Danelectro - Danelectr
24. shinso - ***
25. lych - OneShotBang
26. arronskie - akpajo2003
27. ick - PSN- ickerson322
28. isha727 - iShby_727
29. jayrjun - jayrjun
30. emailroy2002 - tacumi
31. chadboy8728 & BOB_chadjoe
32. x0elpe0x - x0elpe0x & WingNut_drifta
33. pj23_ek - pj_23
34. shinso - prozacMD
35. comicgeek - kerelenko
36. deejsilog - deejsilog
37. Lord_Ac - axtian
Only have Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 currently.. Planning to buy Assassin's Creed Brotherhood next.