Cebu Ultimate Turtle Enthusiasts (C.U.T.E.) Special Meeting
Date: NOvember 16, 2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Riverfront Colon (RFC)
1. Upcoming exhibit invitation at Parkmall
2. Membership Form (Finalization)
3. Welcoming of new members (EB's)
4. Help the A.C.E. Activity 2mrw at RFC (Aquatic Plant Auctions & Garage Sale)
5. other matters...
Please do come... if namu ma.donate nah things for the Garage Sale please do...
All proceeds will go the the A.C.E. Funds for our upcoming Exhibits and Activities...
Thank you... Please pass/text other concerned C.U.T.E. members...
C.U.T.E. Over-all Coordinator