View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #2081

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    That's what freedom of speech and democracy is all about. Let everyone offer their side and let the people choose. Why? Are you afraid that your population control ideology won't be taught be anyone? Or that people won't choose to attend the pro-RH propaganda classes?

    The RH/Abortion bill does not even allow freedom of speech. That is why section 22 of the bill punishes those who speak out against it with imprisonment and fines! What a load of totalitarian garbage!

    That alone is a good enough, purely non-religious reason to scrap the bill. It is obvious that the bill's authors are trying to force a foreign populatin control ideology down Filipinos' throats.

    The RH/Abortion bill isn't wrong because the Chiurch says so. The bill is objectively bad for the country even on purely secular, non-religious grounds, and that is one of the reasons why the Church opposes it.
    your just twisting the facts.. another dirty tactic by the so-called catholics.. EEEWWWWW.. playing dirty na pud.. tsk tsk tsk

    first, on being afraid.. im more afraid of people becoming ignorant bout their natural body functions. why should any person be deprived of the right to know his own anatomy and biological functions?

    second, its not about who speak against.. its about those who like you, practice mis-information..
    there is freedom of speech, but im quite sure you know what is libel is? dont forget that your freedom ends where another man's rights begins..

    in terms of macro-economics... what you are proposing is totaly stupid.. luoy ra ghapon mga pobre ani...

    enlightenment thru education... (im not talking about biased secular education)..

    as a democracy, the people have the right to access of information... teach them all possible options and olet them be.. thats that...

  2. #2082
    Quote Originally Posted by castein View Post
    You can't stop a woman from getting pregnant unless she is sterile. S E X education should not be taught only at school but also at home. As parents, we should be responsible by becoming open-minded regarding preventing teenage or premarital pregnancies. Its not other people's fault. Its the parents fault why they didn't educate their kids the pros and cons of engaging in S E X.

    Now they want abortion to hide themselves from shame. This will not make them a responsible person, this will encourage them to become cowards. Better use contraceptives than allowing to kill innocent babies. FYI once the union of eggcell and spermcell is complete that little lump already receives the gift of life from God. Its not just blood as what others say. Try to watch all the abortion videos over YOUTUBE then try to ask yourself what if you are that chopped baby...
    mao ni sakto.. dapat s3x education should also be taught in homes.. pero the problem dire sa pinas.. is daghan parents mismo, ignorant pag-abot sa reproduction.. maski pa kana nlang rythm method nga gi tudlo daw sa simbahan.. wa man gani sila kasabot ana...

    lets stop assuming that all household are literate.. pasalamat lang ta kay educado ta.. but we cant say the same to many of our countrymen.. so lets educate them..

    kung dili gusto og unnecessary abortion.. dapat gamit contraceptives....

  3. #2083
    saon man gud lami man daw..

  4. #2084
    with regards to promiscuity :

    kung mag hisgot nalang ta og unsa ni ang immoral.. lets tackle the source of the problem.. as ive said before.. its due to cultural changes.. the media thru advertising and shows is sensationalizing s3xuality.. s3x is a biological need to preserve our species.. there is nothing wrong bout this.. the problem is the media is using this need to make products appealing to us.. (s3x sells)...

    irresponsible advertisng and commercialization are the hidden culprits here...

    the RH bill is ammoral.. it doesnt care what you think is good or what is evil.. its only a tool to deliver information and make services available should you wish to...

    what we need is to prevent the people from becoming horny frequently.. seriously, tanaw man jud mo noontime shows.. dont you think the girls are showing too much skin? and thats what you call family-friendly programming?

    para ma prevent ang kini promiscuity.. ilisi ang chairman sa MTRCB og somebody nga mas hardliner pa kay kang bin laden...

    its sad to say that young people today are mis-educated by what they see in the media.

    the whole rh-bill would be ineffective, maski pa magtinabangay pa sila with the church and other religious orgs, wa ghapon resulta if the people are constantly being stimulated to be horny...

  5. #2085
    Quote Originally Posted by shade View Post
    yeah ryt... awa ra gyd nang usc ka dato ana nila! nya who owns the most expensive hospitals here. awa way lain ang mga madre.. zzzzzzzzzzz . simple ra mana . f d ka ganahan then dont do it! like same sa church if u dont want it aw ayaw ug simba.. u people are very GOOD AT GENERALIZING every1, u think all most all filipinos are catholics! wake up its a whole new world. who ever said the the philippines is a catholic country is a daft prick!
    Who's generalizing who? Did you understand my point? All im saying is that you can't blame the church when they're mumbling regarding the RH bill. Did I say all of us should agree and conform to what the church are opposing? if you see it in my comment then pls let me know. READ BETWEEN THE LINES BEFORE YOU COMMENT... Im trying to let you people understand that the church is merely pointing out to it's MEMBERS, just happened na apil ang mga non-catholics or na indirect mo ug address. Since from what I have understand, its RCC responsibility to remind their members (excluding you). But what the heck you're not forced to listen and obey it's a free country by the way.. so practice your rights. Do whatever you please nothing is going to stop you. This is not about religion, it just happened that you hate religion in your heart.

    nya who owns the most expensive hospitals here. awa way lain ang mga madre.
    MAJOR FAIL...taga cebu ba ka?

  6. #2086
    Quote Originally Posted by marius View Post
    That's like saying the result of keeping drug pushing illegal is more crime. That's absurd.

    No. More abortions is the result of the contraceptive mentality.

    This is all the more reason to reject the RH/Abortion Bill.

    Contraceptives often do not prevent unplanned pregnancy and may actually increase them.

    Numerous studies have shown that the increased availability and usage of contraceptives does not necessarily reduce unplanned pregnancies and abortion. In fact, contraceptives often increase them. For example, in the United States, 89% of sexually active women of reproductive age "at risk" of becoming pregnant use contraception, and 98% have used it in their lifetime, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute.[1] In addition, with typical use, 9% of women using oral contraceptives (OC) will become pregnant within one year,[2] as will 15% of women whose partners use condoms.[3] Forty-eight percent of women with unintended pregnancies were using contraception in the month they became pregnant.[4]

    Other studies show that greater access to contraception does not reduce unintended pregnancy. These include:

    • Peter Arcidiacono (2005) found that among teens, "increasing access to contraception may actually increase long run pregnancy rates even though short run pregnancy rates fall. On the other hand, policies that decrease access to contraception, and hence sexual activity, are likely to lower pregnancy rates in the long run."[5]
    • David Paton (2002) in a study of 16 regions of the U.K. over a 14-year period, found no increase in pregnancies or abortions in underage English girls despite reduced access to contraception, and no decrease in underage pregnancies or abortions overall from greater access to contraception. He found "no evidence" that "the provision of family planning reduces either underage conception or abortion rates."[6]
    • Lawrence Finer (2007) in "Trends in Premarital *** in the United States, 1954-2003," found that the increase in premarital *** amongst a group of teens turning 15 during the years 1964-1973 “may be partly due to increased availability of effective contraception (in particular, the pill), which made it less likely that *** would lead to pregnancy.”[7]
    • Douglas Kirby (1999) concluded: "Most studies that have been conducted during the past 20 years have indicated that improving access to contraception did not significantly increase contraceptive use or decrease teen pregnancy."[8]
    • Akerlof, Yellen, and Katz (1996) argue that a phenomenon they call “reproductive technology shock," caused by contraception, birth control, and legal abortion, changed the relationships between men and women, and led to an increase in out-of-wedlock births. Women that did not resort to these methods were at a disadvantage and biological fathers increasingly rejected the idea of paternal obligation.[9]

    Since contraceptives will not reduce unplanned pregnancy, they will not reduce abortion rates either and may increase them.


    1. Boonstra H et al., Abortion in Women’s Lives, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2006, available online at, pp. 6-7.
    2. Conforth, Tracee, "Contraceptive Effectiveness," available online at
    3. Ibid.
      [*[Boonstra H et al., Abortion in Women’s Lives, New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2006, available online at, p. 7
    4. Peter Arcidiacono et al, "Habit Persistence and Teen ***: Could Increased Access to Contraception have Unintended Consequences for Teen Pregnancies?" (Oct. 3, 2005), p.29, available at
    5. David Paton, "The Economics of Family Planning and Underage Conceptions," Journal of Health Economics, 21.2 (March 2002): 207-225; abstract available at
    6. Lawrence Finer, "Trends in Premarital *** in the United States, 1954–2003," Public Health Reports, Volume 122 (January–February 2007): pp. 77-78. The study can be found at
    7. Douglas Kirby, "Reflections on Two Decades of Research on Teen Sexual Behavior and Pregnancy," Journal of School Health 69.3 (March 1999).
    8. Akerlof, G.A., Yellen, J.L. and M.L. Katz “An Analysis of Out-of-Wedlock Child-bearing in the United States.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 111, No. 2 (May, 1996), pp. 277-317.

    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101
    This is not about religion, it just happened that you hate religion in your heart.
    You have a valid point there, bro. Many people here simply hate the Church and will resort to lies just to mislead people. Their hateful insults expose them.

    God bless!

  7. #2087
    Quote Originally Posted by AmosoloX
    the RH bill is ammoral.. it doesnt care what you think is good or what is evil.. its only a tool to deliver information and make services available should you wish to
    You're twisting the facts again.

    • The RH/Abortion Bill FORCES persons to dispense abortifacient contraceptives. It's right htere in Section 22, number 3 of HB 96.

    • The RH/Abortion Bill also punishes people who simply speak out against it. That's in Section22 (e) of the proposed bill HB 96.

    • Section 18, on the other hand, mandates that employers must provide family planning services (or information on where to obtain these), presumably including abortifacient contraceptives, to their employees. Employers, therefore, are not given any choice despite the fact that distribution of these abortifacients and contraceptives may be against their conscience.

    • Under the RH/Abortion bill, parents will lose their authority over their children when it comes to *** education as the bill prescribes mandatory *** education starting Grade V up to Fourth Year High School.*This is NOT optional and neither schools nor parents are authorized to modify the program according to their religious or other beliefs (HB 96, Section 13).

      If the bill is really neutral, then why not allow parents to CHOOSE?

    There is nothing neutral about the RH/Abortion bill. It is designed to IMPOSE a population cojtrol regime on Filipinos, regardless of their beliefs. Even Cong. Lagman made a turnaround and now admits it is a POPULATION CONTROL bill.

    We should protect our rights by rejecting the RH/Abortion Bill.

    irresponsible advertisng and commercialization are the hidden culprits here
    Well, I agree with you on that. Media has a big responsibility and it is failing to live up to it.

    There has to be a wholistic, integrated apprach to the problem. Attacking the real causes of poverty (which are massive corruption, indiscriminate/automatic debt servicing, economic mismanagement, economic policies that favor foreign interests, etc., and NOT overpopulation) are part of the solution too.
    Last edited by mannyamador; 11-25-2010 at 06:48 PM.

  8. #2088
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post
    You're twisting the facts again.

    • The RH/Abortion Bill FORCES persons to dispense abortifacient contraceptives. It's right htere in Section 22, number 3 of HB 96.
    • The RH/Abortion Bill also punishes people who simply speak out against it. That's in Section22 (e) of the proposed bill HB 96.
    • Section 18, on the other hand, mandates that employers must provide family planning services (or information on where to obtain these), presumably including abortifacient contraceptives, to their employees. Employers, therefore, are not given any choice despite the fact that distribution of these abortifacients and contraceptives may be against their conscience.
    • Under the RH/Abortion bill, parents will lose their authority over their children when it comes to *** education as the bill prescribes mandatory *** education starting Grade V up to Fourth Year High School.*This is NOT optional and neither schools nor parents are authorized to modify the program according to their religious or other beliefs (HB 96, Section 13).

      If the bill is really neutral, then why not allow parents to CHOOSE?
    1st.) as a professional or as a pharmacy, it is your duty to dispense drugs that the customer needs whether be it against your personal beliefs or not. an example of this case would be the expanded senior citizens act where ang mga pharmacy di ganahan mo baligya tambal kay malugi daw sila. for their refusal, pwede sila ma demanda ani because it is their business to dispense drugs whether they like it or not. (im really not in favor of the expanded seniors citizens act). as a doctor, you are forced to serve your patient whether you like it or not..

    2nd.) your twisting the words.. speaking out means to air out opinions.. but not to conduct mis-information.. any type of mis-information against something or anybody is a criminal act.. by what you are doing, this is a form of mis-information..

    3rd.) its educating fellow filipinoes. so is it more preferable to keep them ignorant then?

    it is a form of duty to your country.. just like a military draft, you dont need to like being a soldier to be included.. its your duty to your country..

    4th.) its sad to say that most of the parents themselves are ignorant bout s3x education.. you may be blessed coming from a good educated family but you cant say so to our fellow filipinoes..

    so you prefer ignorance rather than more knowledge when it comes to s3x? we have the right to know our own bodies.. more knowledge means more options!

    freedom thru scientific and factual education! support the RH-BILL..
    Last edited by AmorsoloX; 11-25-2010 at 08:14 PM.

  9. #2089
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    1st.) as a professional or as a pharmacy, it is your duty to dispense drugs that the customer needs whether be it against your personal beliefs or not.
    They have already pointed out that contraceptives are not medically necessary. It is a want, not a need. Sop doctors should be allowe to refuse. It's like allowing doctors to refuse to do a plastic surgery. You are making it look like contraceptives are a medical emergency or soemthing needed to cure sickness. But It's NOT!

    In the US, doctors can refuse to give these abortifacient drugs and contraceptives or to do abortions (even if abortions are legal and a "right" in that country). They have freedom of conscience. We should have the same.

    2nd.) your twisting the words.. speaking out means to air out opinions.. but not to conduct mis-information.. any type of mis-information against something or anybody is a criminal act.. by what you are doing, this is a form of mis-information.
    Who are you to judge what is misinformation? Just because you don't agre with it doesn't mean it is misinformation!

    You are a perfect example of how the RH bill is trying to force everyone to agree with its population control thinking. You don't agree with someone and now you accuse him of misinformation!

    Philippines is a democracy. Even if your opinion is wrong, you have a right to speak out. That is freedom of speech. That is why even leftists can speak out, unless they encourage rebellion, which is a different hing since it means to take violent action against the government and direct;ly hurt people. But this stupid bill punishes freedom of speech.

    3rd.) its educating fellow filipinoes. so is it more preferable to keep them ignorant then?
    The population control thinking is ignorant. It is proven that overpopulation is myth. Why force it on everyone?

    Still, I am willing to let population control peeps speak out. If we want real education, let EVERYBODY have a say. Why force all schools to teach only the population control curriculum? Let the parents choose which stuffs they want their kids to learn.

    By forcing everyone to learn population control you are encouraging ignorance. Let other ideas have a say and let parents choose.

    This RH bill is wrong because it is anti-democracy. Even if I'm catholic, I'm not super-religious. But I don't have to be catholic to see that the bill is bad for the country.


  10. #2090
    ^ I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the concept of freedom and democracy and fail to understand that any reasonable democratic society imposes many limits on freedom for a variety of reasons. People in our country are too simplistic and resort to jingoism easily, they think "freedom" and they translate it as meaning freedom to say and do whatever you want. Too much freedom is a form of tyranny in itself, and the problem here is that some are so obsessed with human rights and freedom they neglect to see that the obsession has in itself led to suffering and human rights abuses.

    Also, to state that "it is already proven that overpopulation is a myth" is a blatant lie. For something to be proven it must be convincing and backed up by evidence. To say overpopulation is a myth while living in the Philippines, being witness every day to the struggles of large families here who often can't feed their kids enough food, is a sick concept that only a pervert or wierdo would say. That's like saying the holocaust is a myth when one can see the black smoke from the chimneys.

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