another option is to download phpmailier (Worx International Inc.) just use googl's or yahoo's SMTP for you settings... or if naa ka hosting then they provide SMTP use it.
I find PHPmailer easy to use... naa sad sila instruction on how to use and samples.
kay if imu gamit ang localhost gud, kasagaran block na sa SPAMCOP... and mahibulung ka nganu wala ma dawat nila ang Message.
SPAMCOP?, actually all mail server block any email send by php thru localhost...
HOWEVER dunno if its strange, mail function works at Mac OS (Tiger and Leopard)... im not sure if naa bako nahilabtan, but somehow i was able to send an email notification from my site... cant confirm if its officially working but you can try if you have Tiger or Leopard (not snow)...
Of course it will not work easily in your local PC. Enable to make it work you will need more configurations as well to make a HOME SERVER. But its not a good choice to test your mail over localhost PC try online live like freehosting I'm sure it will work.
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