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Manny Pacquiao vs. Antonio Margarito
Update as of 127
Round 8 - Margarito misses his jab and Pacquiao counters with two rights over the top...Manny moves away but sneaks in another right hook as he begins to swell Margarito's left side now. Margarito traps Pacquiao and is banging away to the body. Manny is fighting back but doesn't look good. Now he spins Margarito and tattoos him to the face. "BANG!" (Jim Lampley sneaks one in). Pacquiao eats a left uppercut while his back is on the ropes. Margarito now lands three hooks to the body. Pacquiao is still on his toes and is moving in circles. He avoids Margarito's uppercut and lands a three-punch combo. Now Margarito traps him on the ropes but it's Pacquiao who's getting the better of it. Solid action.
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Margarito gets Pacquiao against the ropes and starts unloading. He goes hard to Pacquiao’s body and gets him in a bit of trouble. Pacquiao eventually turns the tide and unloads his own combinations, but he looks tired from the exchanges. Margarito has him back on the ropes, he’s holding and hitting a bit but he is trying to break his man down. Pacquiao starts moving a bit more, and he does look much more tired now. The two trade with Pacquiao against the ropes, Pacquiao is bleeding from the mouth now. Margarito’s round.
Manny Pacquiao vs. Antonio Margarito
Update as of 133
Round 9 - The crowd is really into this fight, unlike the Clottey fight. Margarito barely misses a right cross and Manny ties him up. A left to the body lands for Pacquiao and then a left upstairs. Margarito is chasing Pacquiao around while throwing his jab. Pacquiao gets himself on the ropes again but fights his way out with two punches to the head and then a four-punch combo. Just blazing combos from Pacquiao on the inside and outside. Margarito is chasing Pacquiao around the ring but is having trouble cutting him off. A left uppercut misses for Pacquiao but lands a straight left. Now Margarito lands a right hand but Pacquiao responds with an uppercut. A good right to the ribs lands for Margarito and then another one.
Manny Pacquiao vs. Antonio Margarito
Update as of 135
Round 10 - Margarito comes forward and lands a right hand but Pacquiao lands for in return. A left to the body for Margarito and then a pair of lefts for Pacquiao. Manny unloads on Margarito now and he's blooding him up. Pacquiao is like a machine gun as he throws punch after punch on Margarito's shut eye. It's a beating folks. The crowd chants for Manny as he continues to pound on Margarito's face. Antonio to his credit is still working the body but his face looks like the peace of meat that Rocky was punching. Margarito eats a hook and he's hurt! Round is over and this might end.
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