Manny Pacquiao vs. Antonio Margarito
Update as of 1259
Round 1 - And here we go as the two fighters touch gloves. Manny comes out pumping his right jab and sneaks in a left hand. Margarito is throwing his own jab and takes a left hand to the body. A double-jab from Margarito but he misses the low right hand. Manny connects with a one-two and is staying on the outside. Two jabs land for Margarito and then another seems to be keeping Manny at a distance. Now Manny jumps in and connects with two straight lefts up the middle and then a left to the body. Pacquiao connects with a jab and then a left uppercut. A jab lands for Manny and then a left uppercut. Margarito gets in his own jab but that's all he's landing thus far. Margarito misses with two wide hooks but lands his jab. Pacquiao lands a right hook and the round is over.