matrace man gihapon na sa bank kung naa nagwithdraw or transfer sa money diba?
hehehehe... dili na lang ko mahibulong! mao nay gi tawag ug: "iba talaga ang pinoy!" hehehe...
oo kaayu... basta naa ka account, ang branch naa pod record sa imong transaction thru statement of account...
pero dili ka basta2x maka-kuha sa statement of account if you are not carlos garcia, other wise maka violate ang bank napod og bank secrecy law, which could lead u to imprisonment... only the court can decide ana...
sindikato gihapon sa gobyerno, bisan bulilyaso lusot gihapon.
ahaka. gi binlan pa gyud. iya nalang unta toh gi hurot
Here's what I know: His family was caught red handed bringing in hundreds of millions in cash to the U.S. His family is known for a fact to own millions in assets overseas with funds he couldn't possibly explain. Everything else is based on hearsay with no evidence to back it up.
There's no doubt that there are other people who are just as guilty if not more guilty than he is. But to conclude that he is an unwilling accomplice based on mere personal association with the guy, isn't that just friends looking out for friends when the evidence flies in the face of the friendship? I'm concluding that you are close with the Garcia family, based on what you said because it seems you have personal affinity with them that makes you privy to facts the rest of us aren't.
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