View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #1961

    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    who are you to make decisions for the girl? are you the one supporting the child?

    so to lessen those deaths and disabilities.. just legalize it.. kung himuon nman lang gani, atleast do it safely dba...

    morality is just made up by men.. sometimes even it is contrary to common sense..

    whether we like it or not.. abortions will continue...

    another example.. what if a mother is pregnant with her 10th child (this is not uncommon to poorer filipinoes).. saon nlang pagbuhi? kinsa magbuhi?...

    the cost of a few for the benifit of many... the ends justifies the means...

    double L sign on my forehead for this reasoning

    i would rather have the mother/parents be in prison than to have the child be aborted. unsa man intawn labot sa inocenteng bata sa pagka amaw sa iya ginikanan.tsk tsk tsk

  2. #1962
    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101 View Post
    so you two.. are you pro-abortion then? and want to legalize abortion here in philippines?
    @icysunitz - sorry to say, but ur friend is plain stupid and irresponsible.. lisod managhan

    -and what you said on choosing a mother and the baby, it's another story dear.. that is therapeutic abortion while here we are talking about elective abortion.

    -and when a girl is impregnated by her rapist.. it's entirely up to the girl but you must not resort on killing the baby.

    fyi: did you know that unsafe abortions result in 70,000 deaths and 5 million disabilities per year?
    this type of people are so easy to judge others who resort to abortion without thinking what that person went through... stupid and irresponsible? as if PMS is not an accepted trend nowadays... what is more irresponsible.. have a kid at the time you believe you are ready to have them and give them the best that you can give or have a kid at a time when you know you cant give them what they deserve...

    entirely up to the girl? but you are taking away the option for the girl to terminate the pregnancy... what options are left to her in that case?

    FYI: thats why we need to legalize it, make the unsafe.. SAFE....

  3. #1963
    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101 View Post
    so you two.. are you pro-abortion then? and want to legalize abortion here in philippines?
    @icysunitz - sorry to say, but ur friend is plain stupid and irresponsible.. lisod managhan

    -and what you said on choosing a mother and the baby, it's another story dear.. that is therapeutic abortion while here we are talking about elective abortion.

    -and when a girl is impregnated by her rapist.. it's entirely up to the girl but you must not resort on killing the baby.

    fyi: did you know that unsafe abortions result in 70,000 deaths and 5 million disabilities per year?
    I agree that what my friend did was irresponsible because she could've died in the process. My point lang is that whether we legalize it or not, IT IS HAPPENING!

    When you say therapeutic abortion, it is still abortion! and mind you, the RH bill is still pending in the senate because of the provision "of safe abortion services and the timely and correct response to abortion complications are a legitimate part of reproductive health". Pro-Life Orgs and the Catholic Church are opposed to the RH bill because of this provision. So therapeutic or elective, it is still abortion and it can still be discussed here.

    Talking about the girl being impregnated by her rapist --- we're not saying that she aborts the child right away, but atleast give her the option to "erase" a living memory of what happened to her. It is her her life, let her decide. It's easy for us to say that terminating the pregnancy is not an option, that it's immoral, but tell that to the victim.

    About your stats, that's why we want to legalize abortion (or atleast selective/therapeutic abortion) so that we can minimize maternal deaths because we can have doctor-supervised abortions with after-abortion care.

  4. #1964
    Quote Originally Posted by PaYaSo View Post
    double L sign on my forehead for this reasoning

    i would rather have the mother/parents be in prison than to have the child be aborted. unsa man intawn labot sa inocenteng bata sa pagka amaw sa iya ginikanan.tsk tsk tsk
    That's why we need the RH Bill to be passed into law para these couples na sige ra ug panganak will be properly educated and be given the opportunity to make an informed choice!

    For me, abortion must be selective ra jud --- only in cases where the mother's life is at risk or when the mother is a victim of rape. other than those two situations, we take responsibility for our actions.

    Educate the people on family planning and provide the contraceptives to that they won't have to resort to abortion.

  5. #1965
    still no for abortion.. mas maau pa ang contraceptive kesa ang pagpatay sa tawng buhi na..
    luuy pud.. nagginhawa na baya na..

    mas may pa gurong ibilin nila ang bata sa daplin2x kesa patyon.. naa pai chances na mdako ang bata.. wa ta kabaw.. maningkamot ni siya sa tungod sa iyang naagian ug mamahimo pang gamit sa katilingban..

  6. #1966
    Quote Originally Posted by AmorsoloX View Post
    who are you to make decisions for the girl? are you the one supporting the child?

    so to lessen those deaths and disabilities.. just legalize it.. kung himuon nman lang gani, atleast do it safely dba...

    morality is just made up by men.. sometimes even it is contrary to common sense..

    whether we like it or not.. abortions will continue...

    another example.. what if a mother is pregnant with her 10th child (this is not uncommon to poorer filipinoes).. saon nlang pagbuhi? kinsa magbuhi?...

    the cost of a few for the benifit of many... the ends justifies the means...

    on your situational story...

    Two Words: Lack of Responsibility and Ignorance... <-- this is your concern choi?

    btw, Im not making the decision for the girl.. can't you read? It's entirely up to the girl/her family.. haller?

  7. #1967
    and by the way.. im not against RH bill per se... just that don't want abortion to be legalize here.. i guess abortion is out of RH bill right? So leave that behind. Prevention is the key.. but you guys are right we can't simply stop abortion these days.. sad.

    Back to the girl na juntis sa rapist.. - so what do you think is the best option here? - abortion? Or can we just let the innocent child live then have the girl go through an intensive medication/treatment including a psychologist visit. Since traumatic man jud na.. eventually it'll heal since nonetheless even if it's an unwanted child it is still her child. no matter what it takes there are so many options to consider before jumping to abortion. tsk tsk tsk!

  8. #1968
    bisag unsaon bali2 sayop gyud ang abortion. you dont have the right to make the choice for the unborn infant kung ma-buhi ba siya o dili, bisan pa ug ikaw ang ginikanan. you shouldve thought about this before you decided to let your balls make a decision

  9. #1969
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    this type of people are so easy to judge others who resort to abortion without thinking what that person went through... stupid and irresponsible? as if PMS is not an accepted trend nowadays... what is more irresponsible.. have a kid at the time you believe you are ready to have them and give them the best that you can give or have a kid at a time when you know you cant give them what they deserve...

    PMS right? and we can't argue on that since this is a "trend" nowadays you say? Right.. but by that you agree on me that by PMS comes with responsibility? In case ma buntis man gani or maka buntis. So all your ranting here..comes back to the root cause of it all ..irresponsibility and ignorance. Pregnancy thru PMS can be prevented man pod... yaw ko ingna walay contraceptives. But let say na buntis ghapon, so whats your move? abort dayun? As if naay ctrl+z anang PMS..

    what is more irresponsible..have a kid at the time you believe you are ready to have them and give them the best that you can give or have a kid at a time when you know you cant give them what they deserve
    - you worry too much, makaya man gani sa mga mananap padako sa ilang mga anak..tao pa ka kaha. really, depends on what set of morality naa dha sa imong pagka tao.

  10. #1970
    Quote Originally Posted by yhokz101 View Post
    and by the way.. im not against RH bill per se... just that don't want abortion to be legalize here.. i guess abortion is out of RH bill right? So leave that behind. Prevention is the key.. but you guys are right we can't simply stop abortion these days.. sad.

    Back to the girl na juntis sa rapist.. - so what do you think is the best option here? - abortion? Or can we just let the innocent child live then have the girl go through an intensive medication/treatment including a psychologist visit. Since traumatic man jud na.. eventually it'll heal since nonetheless even if it's an unwanted child it is still her child. no matter what it takes there are so many options to consider before jumping to abortion. tsk tsk tsk!
    RH Bill does not legalize abortion but some provisions in the bill irked pro-lifers and the catholic church being "abortion in disguise".

    anyways, as for the rape victim, it's easy for us to say na pwede siya mag undergo ug psychological treatment. But if she comes from a poor family? asa intawn siya makakuha ug kwarta para magpa treat? i-dugang pa nimo na she has to be a mother to the child of her rapist. sad pa jud, sometimes the rapist is a family member! If you tell me that DSWD can provide for the treatment, don't you know that we only have ONE government psychologist?!? her hands are full naman gani evaluating CICLs (Children in Conflict with Law). According to Dr. Naomi Poca, the effects of psychological trauma may take years to manifest. Not just the mother, but the child as well, he will live in a loveless environment. In a lecture by Dr. Poca, it was shown that during the first year of the child, being held and loved is crucial in his development. Most of the CICLs they examined lacked love in their formative years mao they grew up na ingon ana. Im not saying that all of them will grow up as criminals, but most of them just might. So yes, at the inception, if the victim decided that she cannot love the child that's growing inside of her because it will forever remind her of the man who raped her, better terminate the pregnancy than cause a chain reaction too long to terminate.

    disclaimer: im not saying that dr. poca is pro abortion, im just relating what she discussed on child brain development.

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