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  1. #11

    depende ra man ni. i like both there are filipino songs that i like man pud.
    i listen to kpop, jpop and tpop/cpop it doesn't mean that i no longer appreciate our own music.
    naa may mga translations ang mga songs so kasabot ra gihapon ko.
    the reasons why i'm hooked to kpop because the beats are so catchy, everytime the artists will have their comeback they always changed their concepts (so dili sila puol tan-awn) and meaningful pud ang uban lyrics, and maayo kaayo sila anang dancing and singing at the same time sa live (unlike sa uban artists sa philippines basta naa na galiy sayaw kay ilipsync nalang ilang kanta).

    close minded ra kaayo anang moingon na nindot ning music sa kani nga particular country.

  2. #12
    Elite Member xirc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fackerr View Post
    sakto.. way lami ang kpop kay di ta kasabot. cge ra pa cute2x mga gagmay rabag ehem..
    kalami sa k-pop bro. haha.. multilingual na man na sila.

    di guro ka hilig ug music kay pa cute2x ug ehem ra man imu nabantayan

    The Best man jud ang OPM just the way it is.

  3. #13
    close minded ra kaayo anang moingon na nindot ning music sa kani nga particular country.
    mao jud.

  4. #14
    Elite Member xirc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fackerr View Post
    mulavay ra ni na dilubyo sa ato music scene. puhon puhon... kining mga binayot na kanta ma papas ra.. hihi.. bye
    The only permanent is the word "permanent"

    mag usab usab jud nang taste sa tao bya..

  5. #15
    though sikat ang korean music nowadays, the point is, dili japon sila i'll go for Filipino music...

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by teoding View Post
    filipino music is by far better than korean music. anybody who disagree is a simpleton.
    hey you cannot force people to choose what music they like....

    as a musician myself and being a vocalist in my own band and a song writer....the only thing that I can say is that it is the genre that is issue...the most listened to genre here in the philippine music scene is pinoy rock...

    even if you guys would disagree but I do think OPM rock music is better than any of our pop artists who most of the time do remakes and revivals rather than release new material....not taking anything away from them btw...

    compare OPM pop to Kpop....OPM pop though we have capable and really good artist are mostly, let me repeat myself...doing remakes....unlike from what I've observed from Kpop artist that they tend to produce new material...keeping things fresh for their listeners and fans

    There are a lot of OPM pop artists out there who I know are capable of doing their own thing....if only they would try something different....take for example Sarah Geronimo...who I admire for doing the song "Record Breaker" has that catchy feel that you would normally find in Jpop and Kpop materials...

    again...I am not taking anything away from our dear OPM artist as a fellow filipino musician myself...what I am referring in this reply is just from another musician's objective standpoint....

    and here is another thing...true music lovers don't just listen to one type of song/genre/band/artist....being a true music lover is to be versatile in any genre of music presented to you....being open to other things....because music as they say is the universal language of the heart

  7. #17
    ...ahhmmm gwapo gwapa ang mga KPOP singers.. haha

  8. #18
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    filipino music the best ang korean music dili man nato masabtan manosebleed ta mura ra tag crazy maminaw nga wala ta kasabot

  9. #19
    KPOP: fun to listen, gi gastu an jd ilang mga music videos, if mag comeback ang mga KPOP artists naa jd sila new concept about their music, most of all it is addicting! Nyaahaahhaha!

    KPOP dili masabtan? There are lots of English translations of their songs over the net. If you are too lazy to search for it...well KPOP isn't for you.

    Pinoy music: Tig paminaw man pud ko but ma pili ra jd. Nahan kog Kamikazee, PNE, Juris ug Rico Blanco. As of now, KPOP lang jd akong nahan paminawon. I just hope OPM artists would stop doing revivals/remakes.

    Bottomline: It is about PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Let's respect kung unsay type of music ganahan paminawon sa mga taw. Wala ra biya mi manghilabot (kami mga ganahan ug KPOP) sa mga taw nga ganahan pud ug OPM. And this:

    Quote Originally Posted by fafa bear View Post
    and here is another thing...true music lovers don't just listen to one type of song/genre/band/artist....being a true music lover is to be versatile in any genre of music presented to you....being open to other things....because music as they say is the universal language of the heart
    Regardless of the language coz again Music is universal. Ganahan man gani ko maminaw sauna ug Indian music!

    That's all. BOW. Peace y'all.
    Last edited by dark_phoenix; 11-04-2010 at 07:43 AM.

  10. #20
    Hayz....naa na sad ni...Di gyud ni mawagtang nga topic here sa mga Philippine forums tsk3x...
    Naa ra man na ninyo if maminaw mo or di...
    Bashing makes you look like an 1d1ot...

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