Give reasons why many Filipinos are hooked to Korean music or KPop?
Unsay naa sa ilang music nga wa sa atoa?
Give reasons why many Filipinos are hooked to Korean music or KPop?
Unsay naa sa ilang music nga wa sa atoa?
TV Patrol reported on why...
YouTube - Is OPM crumbling from the K-Pop invasion?
and it's not only Kpop that's kicking OPM to the curb, American Music is pretty much dominating the music industry as well, and has been for... well, forever actually. moreso than Kpop I think.
filipino music is by far better than korean music. anybody who disagree is a simpleton.
sakto.. way lami ang kpop kay di ta kasabot. cge ra pa cute2x mga gagmay rabag ehem..
our own music is dying.. support OPM! ban kpop and other lollipops... support good music..
[QUOTE=Blackbeard;8544040]how so? why is it better? what makes music from one country better than music from another country?
here is my suggestion: listen to filipino music for 24 hours or more. preferably bands or artists who plays orig compositions. close your eyes, open your heart to the music and lyrics, and im sure as the sun will shine tomorrow that you will be able to answer your own question.
mulavay ra ni na dilubyo sa ato music scene. puhon puhon... kining mga binayot na kanta ma papas ra.. hihi.. bye
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