An online publishing firm is looking for a team of creative WORK AT HOME WRITERS to stock their blog network with fresh original content.
Daily income of P850
If averaged daily at the rate of 10 items per day
Actual income maybe MORE or less depending on how many stories you choose to take on. There’s hundreds available for assignment.
BLOCK BONUS - Complete 50 blogs (not blog posts but 50 complete blogs) and get a P5000 BONUS!
Must have EXCELLENT English writing skills although some grammar/typos are okay since these are blog posts
Must be able to deliver materials on time everytime
Must be creative, open minded, and expressive
Must be able to work within word count limits
Must be able to write in an INFORMAL / CASUAL style
Production required:
300 word blog posts based on mature keywords
Writer must create a story that uses both the main keyword and supporting subkeywords
NOTE: This material is aimed at mature audiences
To apply:
Send an email to (MAKE SURE to email FIRST so your tryou email can go through. All other emails to will be DELETED) with the subject title CREATIVE SHORT STORIES PROJECT to get more details, writing template, and instructions. Sometimes the instructions get MISROUTED into your SPAM folder–always check there if you don’t get the instructions right away.