Originally Posted by
I'm not for Natural Methods only..
I agree with condoms..vasectomy and pills(not the abortive type)
But take note..
I'm against any contraceptive method that kills..
hope its would be clear for you madam..
My Stand is...ngano pugson man ang usa ka bill nga palpak
If they can revise it and end up clean

simple instructions cannot understnd?hehhe
Thats' why..It's clear that all those Bill supporters are
Devil's Advocates
including our Abnoynoy.. tsk tsk tsk..

the last i check anti-rh bill thinks all pills are abortive type.. lol... there is nothing wrong with the bill... so we must have list of doctors and the type of family planning they are willing to talk to their patient...
just like what kind of contraceptive pill do you think which is not abortive... lol...
what we need is a list of doctors and their specialty and clinic address... a book type... which will be available in barangay health centers... should indicate really religous affiliation and the limit of their service... like in your case if you were a doctor... it should be written under DR. Xilcher: natural family planning and some artificial family planning limited to vasectomy, condoms and injectables.
really devil's advocate? why i believe you are over stepping God's role of being the ultimate judge of all by just saying that... remember...
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:12).”