How is your career? How is your current business? How are you doing financially?How much is your net worth so far? Are you certain you can survive any financial turbulence that might soon come your way? Have you ever heard about the "pedagogy of the failed professional"? Have you heard about the importance of the system in the business?
Well, most of us have the necessary technical know how that will help us to earn income. While, we work hard for the money, we must understand that the JOB/ACTIVE BUSINESS (working hard for the money) should only be the start. Technical knowledge can not solve our financial problems – FINANCIAL PROBLEMS WILL NEED FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS !!
Based on a survey conducted by Citibank in the first quarter of last year, 2008, among Filipinos with average earnings of P30,000 per month, middle executives at that, the median financial intelligence of that demographic sector is 48%, in a 100-point test, with a passing of 75%. The conclusion: THE MAJORITY OF FILIPINOS IS FINANCIALLY ILLITERATE !!
I’m pretty sure that you, yourself, are well aware that Filipinos struggle financially for the rest of their lives. You see a lot of them in your environment, around you, don’t you? Why? It is simply because they are not aware that there is such thing as passive income – income without physically working. The only kind of income that Filipinos know is active income – income that will come only when you take action. And, Filipinos fail to create and fund their passive income.
How many college graduates, professionals, do you know who have achieved REAL financial success? On the contention that the real criteria, the true measure for financial success is the number of passive income streams that you have created, very, very, very, very few of the hard-working professionals/small businessmen among us actually can achieve financial success, financial security and financial freedom/independence. Thus, the “pedagogy of the failed professional.” Statistical data are readily available to prove this… I hope that you will not be just another entry – another victim – of that statistics.
Majority of people remain trapped in the “Rat Race”, not only professional but also businessmen are trapped in their own business. Here’s hoping you are not one of those.
Do you know the level of your current financial intelligence? Would you like to know? Try to answer the following financial questions:
1)In financial management, what does the X- Curve theorize?
2)What do the two lines in the X- Curve represent?
3) What’s the relationship between our wealth and our responsibilities?
4) What are the two major risks in life?
5) What do we need in order to address each of these two major risks in life?
6) On the financial equation that Albert Einstein
discovered, what is the constant value that is used
in determining the number of days, months
or years that your principal will double in value at a given rate of return?
7)How much emergency fund do you need?
What are the basic foundations required in building your wealth?
9) How much protection and investment do you really need?
10)What is inflation?
11) What does LOI mean?
12) Is your income temporary or permanent?
13) How about your needs, are they temporary or
14) What are the enemies of wealth?
15) In loans and debts, what is effective interest?
16) What is the prosperity formula?
17) What are the components needed to build a
solid financial foundation?
1What really determines retirement?
19) In investment, where in the investment universe can you encounter lower risk?
20) What do you mean by the investment
Have you heard about the baby boomers? Babies who were born 60 years ago are now retiring. Unfortunately, they retire without a solid financial foundation. They are financially insecure because they do not have the right information which is our main weapon of defense in times of financial turbulence. People are retiring very poor. Another statistical data: Filipinos who retire run out of money first before they run out of time. We do not want this to happen to the next generation! We do not want this to happen to you!
Do you know the" blue print of your financial future".
Have you realized your current financial conditions. Do you know these things?
- The Six (6) Steps to Financial Independence
- The X-Curve Concept: The Blueprint of Financial Planning
- The Rat Race Cycle: The Reason Why Most People Struggle Financially
- Debt: Friend or Foe?
- How to Increase Cash Flow
- How Money Works
- The Wealth Formula
- The Rule of 72: The Power of Compounding Interest
- Fundamentals of Investments
- Putting the Allies of Wealth to work for you
- Overcoming the Enemies of Wealth
- How to Build a Solid Financial Foundation
- Building a Solid Financial Foundation
- The Three (3) Secrets of Insurance
- Rules in Investing
- Different Investment Vehicles
- Mutual Fund vs. Investing in Stocks
- Investment Strategies: How to Minimize the Risk and Maximize Profits
- Money Cost Averaging
- Diversification and Asset Allocations
- Retirement Strategies
- Providing Proper Protection for Families
In the Wealth Academy , we can help you become a financial expert.
People want to be wealthy but hate the process. Do you want to achieve financial success and security? Are you willing to take the challenge?
Please advise me soonest if you are interested. Look me up.
You may visit my blog for more info. Financial Solutions For A Changing World