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Christian Cuntry, moslem Cuntry, Saodi Arabia is a moslem CUNTtry, u can't pray hail mary there in public, or else... Philippines is a christian cuntry but moslems here can say their stupid prayers anywhere they want and build temple mosques, they squat, or with their asses up and faces down chanting stupid chants anywhere they please.. see the difference? who's the bias now? what is it? is it the democrazy? in East Timor, 3 young catholic girls were beheaded simply because they're on their way to chapel to hear a mass, and it happened in 2002! this is not the medieval time, this is not the time of the crusades or spanish inquisition, this is not the time of that chivalrous assh0le Salah'adin, this is the 21st century! Islam really is a stupid religion! and i'm saying these things from my heart because i personally know these people [the moslems] first hand, i came from a city gripped with fear because there isn't a year passed without being hit thrice or 4 times, bomb explosion in malls, bus terminals, schools, churches, markets... my nanay can't go to the wet market anymore without worrying about a bomb that might went off and her limb could be a part of the pork pata, its not the ilonggos, or the igorots, or the cebuanos, or even the warays, its the goddamn moslems! with whatever tribe, sects or variants they would be.
Hehe ... calma lang, bro!