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  1. #61

    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    im pro-rh bill at some extent i approve abortion...

    LOL... are you judging me... i was faced with unplanned pregnancy, my son is now 3 years old...

    but i do have friends... but it was their choice.. i was there to advice them what they could do.. but at the end of the day... it will always be their choice...

    and i dont think i am in the position to pass judgment then im sure glad i didnt because right now many of them are very good mothers to their children...

    that is what wrong with people like you.. its easy for you to pass judgment on other people...
    wow thanks for sharing..
    I'm not judging you.. I'm studying your stance with regards to your life..

    Now I get your "bitter" ka when it comes to unplanned pregnancy..
    But what if during that time.. allowed ang Abortion.. does it mean na the right thing to do is to kill your baby??
    Think of it.. your little angel that you love now..supposedly dont belong to our precious world..
    unfair di ba?

    yes we have a choice...we decide for ourselves.. but..along the way we are also preventing our baby's right to live..

    Pro-Choice is not Legal Choice..
    Pro-Choice is freedom from any existing laws..
    so therefore.. that Bill is not Pro-choice...

    I tell you madam. you're on the wrong side... Think again..
    Last edited by Xilcher; 10-22-2010 at 12:10 PM.

  2. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by Xilcher View Post
    wow thanks for sharing..
    I'm not judging you.. I'm studying your stance with regards to your life..

    Now I get your "bitter" ka when it comes to unplanned pregnancy..
    But what if during that time.. allowed ang Abortion.. does it mean na the right thing to do is to kill your baby??
    Think of it.. your little angel that you love now..supposedly dont belong to our precious world..
    unfair di ba?

    yes we have a choice...we decide for ourselves.. but..along the way we are also preventing our baby's right to live..

    Pro-Choice is not Legal Choice..
    Pro-Choice is freedom from any existing laws..
    so therefore.. that Bill is not Pro-choice...

    I tell you madam. you're on the wrong side... Think again..
    lol... abortion was easy... i could have asked my friends how did they so it... it was our decision..

    not because im pro-rh bill or pro-abortion im practicing them or will practice them... im pro-rh bill because i want people to have choices.. to make decisions based on information presented to them...

    Pro- Choice means for me personally is people being informed of their CHOICES.. that they will not be limited to just ONE OPTION, because ONE OPTION is no OPTION at all its TYRANNY....

    im on the right side.. and very much confident...

    people dont not agree asa na part ma consider na "baby"... and i dont plan to have a debate on that...

    when people commit abortion it does not mean salot na sila na they are capable of murdering people.... no... they are themselves victims... of what? of a society that frown on relationship without marriage, single parenting and poverty... they are victims of a society that limits a woman's value... a society that gives license to men to have as many kids they want with different women but labels a woman as "puta".

    im not bitter by the way...i always believe in the filipino proverb na BUNTOT MO HILA i just have my feet on the ground...

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by unsay_ngalan_nimo View Post
    lol... abortion was easy... i could have asked my friends how did they so it... it was our decision..

    not because im pro-rh bill or pro-abortion im practicing them or will practice them... im pro-rh bill because i want people to have choices.. to make decisions based on information presented to them...

    Pro- Choice means for me personally is people being informed of their CHOICES.. that they will not be limited to just ONE OPTION, because ONE OPTION is no OPTION at all its TYRANNY....

    im on the right side.. and very much confident...

    people dont not agree asa na part ma consider na "baby"... and i dont plan to have a debate on that...

    when people commit abortion it does not mean salot na sila na they are capable of murdering people.... no... they are themselves victims... of what? of a society that frown on relationship without marriage, single parenting and poverty... they are victims of a society that limits a woman's value... a society that gives license to men to have as many kids they want with different women but labels a woman as "puta".

    im not bitter by the way...i always believe in the filipino proverb na BUNTOT MO HILA i just have my feet on the ground...

    Well.. from your statement..If abortion will be legalized..the more na luoy mo mga babaye..
    ug hayahay mi mga lalaki...The more mo ma lebel as "puta" coz.. dili na mahadluk mga guys..jerjer ninyo..anytime anywhere..the more ma degrade inyo value as a woman..

    Like what ive said.. your on the wrong side madam..
    Thanks for the share.. No more questions your honor!

    A piece of advise..
    Don't create another passing your faults in life to your innocent angel..
    Don't solve your problem by creating another problem..
    Stop the cycle now...

    I also believe in tagalog saying "Kung kasalanan mo, Wag mo Takasan. Panindigan mo!
    Im not judging you.. u are not bitter need to have more self acceptance and respect!
    Last edited by Xilcher; 10-23-2010 at 01:09 AM.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68 View Post
    To give people REAL choice, the contraceptives need to be available to them. This is the main difference with the passage of this bill. It is not only a choice, but the availability of that choice for all.
    Not so. The choice is already available and the bill does not add any more lawful choices. The REAL difference is that the RH/Abortion bill FORCES others to fund the medically unnecessary WANTS of others. That is coercion.

    Sec 22 and 23 basically talk about giving people an informed choice.
    Informed choice is already available and the bill does not enhance it. What the bill does is FORCE people to provide services, and assist people to do acts, that are deemed objectionable by many. Those conscientious objectors who refuse to comply are unfairly jailed and fined. Some "freedom of choice" that turns out to be!

    If the RH/Abortion bill is really as popular as you make it seem, then people who want to use abortifacient/artifivcial contraceptives should have no trouble finding a doctor who will dispense them without forcing others to do so.

    The fact that the bill has to force persons to comply indicates that the bill is neither popular or even medically sound.

    Like I said, these studies are inconclusive at best and other studies have shown otherwise as I have stated above. Point is, there's no correlation between teaching *** education and increased sexual activity.
    And there's no corrrelation between teaching s3x education and decreased unplanned [pregnanvy or anh other claimed benefit.

    Here's your Stan Weed being grilled in congress..
    And the evidence still stands.

    Bottom line is... its our duty to provide students with information.
    And informed choice is exactly what the RH/Abortion bill does NOT provide. It FORCES schools to accept a single curriculum created the all-wise and infallible government (go figure!) with no exceptions.

    Why should only a single, pro-population control agenda be presented? Why can't parents and schools (who ae in a better position to know what is more correct and appropriate for their children than the government) be allowed to determine the correct information? Obviously this is brainwashing in population control ideology.

    The RHB is not an abortion bill.. (Sec 3.m.) and instead of violating your civil rights, on the contrary, it affords an INFORMED CHOICE to each person.
    That informed choice is already available under our current laws.

    You just want to FORCE doctors to make the "choice" you favor. And that is what the bill does.

    The bill actually funds and forces the distribution of a form of abortion through abortifacients. The bill's lip servoce about "being against abortion" is just that: lip service. The actual provisions of the bill contradict the propaganda claim of the bill's author.

    This informed choice garbage is just a smokescreen. The RH/Abortion bill is all about imposing a population control program on the people, the legalization of chemical abortion (through abortifqacient contraceptives), and the eventual legalization of surgical abortion.
    Last edited by mannyamador; 10-24-2010 at 11:36 AM.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador View Post

    This informed choice garbage is just a smokescreen. The RH/Abortion bill is all about imposing a population control program on the people, the legalization of chemical abortion (through abortifqacient contraceptives), and the eventual legalization of surgical abortion.

    Well said..Good analysis..

    Like what i've said.. these lawmakers are just hiding their evil purpose on the public..
    so be aware people!

    kita ra gi ilad ani... evil intentions na gusto nila ipalusot..
    NO way.. dili bugo ang mga pinoy!
    We will always be vigilant!

  6. #66
    Nobody is being forced into funding anything. The funds come from the government, who are elected representatives of the taxpayers, and hence have permission albeit indirect, to disburse funds as they see fit. Can you claim that you are being coerced to fund a highway built in Manila for the benefit of the people living there? Of course not, that would be ridiculous, as is most of the pejorative opinions in here being disguised as constructive discussion. All I see here is moral browbeating by the hired guns of the Catholic church using every dirty tactic to force their morality on everybody, nevermind the fact that not everyone in this country is Catholic nor subscribes to their beliefs.

  7. #67
    Not so. The choice is already available and the bill does not add any more lawful choices. The REAL difference is that the RH/Abortion bill FORCES others to fund the medically unnecessary WANTS of others. That is coercion.
    did anyone "coerce" you to m@sturb@te?

    the word "choice"....

    without this bill the word "curiousity" will always be here.....which lead to millions of unwanted/unfed kids....

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by kit_cebu View Post
    did anyone "coerce" you to m@sturb@te?

    the word "choice"....

    without this bill the word "curiousity" will always be here.....which lead to millions of unwanted/unfed kids....

    Only if the govt.. will just focus on abortion bill and not on good governance!
    There are plenty of ways to eradicate poverty..why force something debatable..

  9. #69
    whtas iside the bill

  10. #70
    whats inside the bill

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