The RH bill may not be the all-in-one solution to poverty, but it will greatly contribute in reducing poverty and therefore uplifting the living conditions of the people. There are more than 9 ways to kill a cat..
I guess the proponents (including Rep Garin an ob-gyne herself) are not dumb enough to formulate a bill that will contradict with our existing laws. The main issue here is the definition of "abortion." Although there is no major debate existing among the scientific academe, most of the opponents are either connected with the church (RCC) or sympathetic to the cause of the Vatican.
OT: This issue is quite similar on what is happening in the US regarding the inclusion of "Creationism" as a "science" subject in public schools. They contend that creationism and intelligent design are both "scientific" and should be taught side by side with Evolution in any science subject. Most of these proponents are connected with conservative, right-wing, sometimes republican, mostly evangelical born again leaders. Most of the time, those who are connected or sympathetic with the church tries to "twist" the meaning of terms and definitions just to prove their point. It's almost the same situation here.
Correctus Mama Mia! Respect thy own rights..
Since your avatar is beautiful and I presume that your a girl..
Lucky are you...
But I pity for those who are not gifted...and neglected in society..
let me ask you a personal question..
You are Pro-RH, Pro-Abortive Contraceptives..Right?
Are you willing to abort your unwanted baby?
How many babies have you aborted in your life?
If kaya na sa konsencia nimo..I wont ask you again..
Can you pls answer me.. I dare you!
Last edited by Xilcher; 10-22-2010 at 12:31 AM.
your thinking too far away already, before the child is born, before it can become a fetus, while it is still a cell just like a red blood cell, just like muscle cell, the pregnancy can be cancelled.
and you are not considerate by the way, how about the victim. can you look at her eyes and say "you're pregnant and the father is the rapist, it's okay god has given you a gift"
Have you read the "previous" thread regarding this topic?
It was discussed already..
If not.. just do your research regarding.."zygote" and "morning after Pills"
Ask me after....
(and by the way...Its easy to rehabilitate an person on grief than telling dead babies their lives are worthless..! Dead babies tell no tales..but its will haunt you on your nightmares..!)
Last edited by Xilcher; 10-22-2010 at 05:00 AM.
im pro-rh bill at some extent i approve abortion...
LOL... are you judging me... i was faced with unplanned pregnancy, my son is now 3 years old...
but i do have friends... but it was their choice.. i was there to advice them what they could do.. but at the end of the day... it will always be their choice...
and i dont think i am in the position to pass judgment then im sure glad i didnt because right now many of them are very good mothers to their children...
that is what wrong with people like you.. its easy for you to pass judgment on other people...![]()
The 1987 constitution equally protects the mother and the unborn child from conception. However, there are no enabling laws and definite provisions on what constitutes abortion. Without implementing and specific legislation, it is regarded in law as unenforceable.
Having said that, the decision is largely personal and depends on the person's own moral convictions. Others may have different view but they should not impose their beliefs on others. Respect each others viewpoint and consider that with regards to early term abortion, your perception of right and wrong is largely relative
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