Are you an Atheist? A man who believes in no God and yet finds s3x dirty is as rare as white charcoals. What's your moral basis ? You are free to not obey God as an Atheist. Think about it and stop embarrassing yourself.
you took the word "pimp" wrongfully. Im going to make you choose here.
a)arrange for s3xual partners for others(wife or wives)
b)someone who procures customers for whore
which you think defines your use of the word pimp? A or B? I have no problems w/ A. But if it took the definition found in B, The virgins are not whores and God doesn't need any money, your description doesn't fit well. I guess you should get yourself a better word.
What's wrong with s3x anyway? Are you married or not? Do you have s3x with your wife? Are you still a virgin? Anyway you as an Atheist should not worry much about s3x and virgins, you are not bound by any moral codes. don't confuse yourself. God created s3x so let's enjoy it.![]()
We love, respect and follow Jesus (peace be upon him) as one of the mighty messenger of God. We just put him in the right place not as god but a prophet of God. We pray as what he prayed, we fast as he is fasting, we greet with the same greetings of Peace. Think of it of who really are the antichrist.
I did think who the antichrist is and came to my conclusion because of the contradictory in teaching.
Jesus teaches sacrifice, humility and most important is tolerance by forgiving the oppressors (sadly most Christians and Catholics are not practicing these teachings.), however in Islam, if you are oppressed and your religion is ridiculed they would call for "jihad" and "death to the infidels"
Jesus teaches about forgetting the needs of the body because the rewards to the soul is immense (it would be hard for people who are bound to their physical desires to understand the happiness of praising God for eternity, but yeah that is what Jesus has promised us). In Islam however, the promise is more physical pleasure in heaven... 70 virgins... blah blah blah... its more like a promise the devil would make to those that would do his deeds.
Also, the way Islam keeps representing itself as a religion of peace yet teaches the opposite and still able to attract more and more people each day reminds me about the warning about the religion of the antichrist in the book of revelation and how it can attract people with false words.
What the Old Testament and Jesus taught Islam carried it over in The Holy Qur'an, you'll know that if you study properly instead of learning Islam from CNN. God in Moses' days urged Israel to FIGHT against their oppressor, this God is the same God who according to your doctrine incarnated as Jesus the man. Jesus the God who SLEW thousands of people including women and children came not to bring peace but division, i read that somewhere in the new testament. Matthew 10:34 "I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" Sword isn't much of a solution for peace, right?
Islam says defend yourself if people would come to destroy your Religion. I see no problem in that.
Pleasure is not exclusive to physical senses. God according to the bible experiences pleasure, a proof that pleasure can also be felt outside our world. Our senses won't die only our physical being and the reason why Paul spoke of a body on the day of resurrection of the soul. Body for what? as vehicle of our soul,same functions with our physical body but different in essence. You should read your bible.
Yes it is a Religion of peace. You have to be there to know it. Islam is beautiful, a prescription for the sick soul, that's the reason why people are attracted to join Islam. Not everyone who says to me(Jesus) Lord Lord can enter into the kingdom of God but only those who do the Father's will. This is where you should start,are you doing the will of the Father? or are you anti-christ? Jesus fasted we too fast, Jesus didn't eat pork we don't eat pork, what about you? do you eat pork? if you do then you are not doing the will of the father, YOU are the anti-christ.
You really don't understand the contradiction... which is understandable because you do not see salvation in the eyes of Jesus Christ. It shows by quoting lines from the bible without truly understanding the meaning of the words. You cannot understand the old testament until you understand it the way Jesus Christ undestands it. That is why there is a New Testament... It's like when Jesus said that he will destroy the temple and in three days restore it... if you will interpret it in a sense that he would really destroy a temple then you really don't understand that it is his body, his physical form that is his temple... and it is in this way of understanding that improves my belief that Islam is a religion of the antichrist because it seems that the muslim religion has oriented its believer to a teaching that veers far from what Jesus want's us to see. It is designed to corrupt the minds and the heart of people that they are detached from the truth of the words. Jesus want's us to sacrifice our possessions and follow his life, his heart, his belief. Islam on the other hand want's muslims to be bound by their possessions so much so that they are promised more possession in heaven... Jesus never gave that kind promise, but the devil did during his temptation of Jesus Christ before his crucifixion.
Islam is a sick religion that makes the soul more sick. It is the teachings of the devil.
Islam is a religion of peace? Yeah right, it is a religion of peace only when the whole world is a muslim world... but so long as there are believers in Jesus Christ... "death to the infidels" is all we can hear and there is no peace in that.
and oh that sword thing, it means his coming will create a conflict of belief because some of his teaching contradict the traditional teaching of that time but doesn't really mean that he is advocating violence but rather warning about the conflicts that will happen... hell why am I explaining this to you, you wouldn't understand anyway.![]()
The Jews are still waiting for their Christ.
The Muslims do not believe in Jesus the Christ, but a prophet. Who’s the antichrist then?
I don't see a single contradiction. My interpretation is close to perfect. I got it all well. Jesus is a good teacher, he taught his disciples to live a balance life. Jesus said in the gospel of john I came that they might have abundant life. Christianity aside from teaching its members how to sacrifice should also teach its members how to live the abundant life w/c Jesus have preached. The balance must be observe.
Islam is so beautiful.
It is a peaceful Religion. ah yeah, shouts the radical muslims "death to the infidels". That's not Islam by the way. I don't go out killing my Christian friends.
go and study the bible, your interpretation is terrible.![]()
This ONE for sure is for the Books!!! Ka klaro nga misinggit( ug na record sa CP sa mga nanawag nga mga pasahero) ug allahu akbar ang mga terorista ah! di diay to mga muslim?
Libog sila kay kuno mag pray sa mga bato ang mga katoliko ... aw, libog sad ko nganu magtuyoktuyok sa bato ang mga muslim sad ... unya mangadye nga moyukbo ...
si muhammad, sa iyang pagkabatan-on, mokuyog sa caravans sa iyang future wife, khadija ba to? ug mao nga duna siya kontak sa mga ermitanyong cristiano nga mohisgot kaniya mahitungod sa istorya sa mga propeta ug kang hesus ug maria .. no doubt distorted ang mga life story nila sa Qur'an, kay di man sad siguro sure ang mga storyang nabatian niya sa mga ermitanyo (kay wa may mga published books ato para sa tanan).. nga mao ni sulod sa iyang hunahuna ug nahinumduman sa dihang nag sugod na siya ug pag sulti sa mga suras.
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