Ziff Davis Group announced today that its closing the doors on Computer Gaming World magazine. As a long, long time subscriber I have noticed the page count rapidly dropping of late. Several months ago the CD was discarded from the magazine and CD subscribers given memberships to FileFront, also owned by Ziff Davis. I'd also noticed that some of the long time staff were departing, including my favorite review writer Robert Coffey.
Computer Gaming World was the longest published computer gaming magazine, lasting 22 years. Originally started by Russell Sipe, a minister that enjoyed gaming, in 1981. For the time he owned the magazine the mast head always listed a bible verse, Psalm 9:1-2. In the 1980's, any RPG gamer had to read Scorpia's monthly column. For those that would like to remenise the magazine's glory days, visit the CGW Museum. You'll even find stories from old staffers including Scorpia and Russell Sipe.
Lately CGW's readership had fallen greatly from its high of 300,000. Several months ago they had a controversial change by ending the practice of giving game reviews ratings. They wanted their readers to read the reviews and judge for themselves if the title was worthy of purchasing. The most popular column at the end was Tom vs. Bruce. An always amusing read of Tom playing Bruce in an online PvP game.
According to Ziff Davis' press release, the staff of CGW will be tranferred to a new magazine called Games for Windows: The Official Magazine.
The once largest computer gaming magazine is now gone. RIP CGW.