guys, i have orders for 4 units of pc to be use for an internet cafe. last time i posted, i got several ideas on hardwares, pretty much ok for me kasi ako man ang mugamit, and i'll be the owner of that business. but since i cancelled that thing for now, i'll stay as a freelance sales agent for the time being.
ive sold several pc's already, but all of them are for the household. havent actually sold units for internet cafe use. the cpu of choice for this is amd64 3000+ skt 939 @P4400 (pc quickbuys).
i know that this cpu can withstand long hours of operation. my prob mainly is the motherboard. the buyer has a cafe that opens from 8am - 12am, and business is pretty good, so these units will be use for more than 8 hours/day.
now, what brand of board can guarantee stability even for long hours of use?
my choices so far are ECS (k8t890-a, nf4-a939), asrock (939a8x-m), epox (9nda3i, 9hdai-pro).
mem that will be use is corsair 512mb pc400, hdd is seagate 80gb ide. havent thought what vidcard. owner doesnt care if its agp or pcie. the main thing is, i dont wanna be disappointed.