Excellent condition!!! LAST PRICE!
- Canon Rebel XT body 8MP + remote + 6gb CF-- 11k
- Canon EF 24-105 f/4 L IS USM Lens + UV lens filter -- 37k
PM. Cash only.
Excellent condition!!! LAST PRICE!
- Canon Rebel XT body 8MP + remote + 6gb CF-- 11k
- Canon EF 24-105 f/4 L IS USM Lens + UV lens filter -- 37k
PM. Cash only.
mark 1 ni or mark 2 boss?
unsa pa ka uban sa flsh? naa ni flsh stand box and manual pm me or txt me for d last price
wohh. uppp ta! kay nice. hope acoi maka palit ani!
wow ka nice. up ta ani
items sold. new last price for lens and base.
bump bump!!
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