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I haven't read through all the previous posts, but here's what i can say...
I am quite close to some of Paco's good friends, and on that night that those atrocities happened, they all swear that PACO WAS IN MANILA. They even have pictures to prove it... Now these friends I am talking about would NOT in any way cover up for a rapist and murderer, as half of them are women...
This is the reason why a father of one of those close freinds is, up to this day, still fighting for Paco.. Paco is not related to him, but he could not take the fact that an innocent person was gonna take the fall for something he COULD NOT have commited...
Aside from this, NOT ALL THE ACCUSED KNEW EACH OTHER. Now, would you commit a double rape and murder with people you don't know? Some of them only met when they were rounded up...
There is someone, or a group of people, behind this whole cover up, and this person or group has goons, gold, guns and connections...
I don't know all the gory details of this affair, but thats what I know from my friends, and they would not be defending Paco, if there was even a chance that he really did it.
Simple ra man god unta ni kung naninguha pa unta ang mga laranaga. Ila unta nga gi convince ang ubang na convicted nga si Aznar o si Adlawan ba nga mosulti sa tinuod nga si Paco way labot. Human kaso.