OMG! iam gonna sell my ps3 for to buy an Xbox360 hahahaha
OMG! iam gonna sell my ps3 for to buy an Xbox360 hahahaha
After doing Halo for 10 yrs, it's obvious that Bungie took everything they have learned from the previous games and applied it on Reach. Though storywise I still prefer the first one. It just had the right balance of action, mystery, and twist. When it comes to it's campaign mission structure and gameplay, I would definitely agree that Reach is easily the best. It didn't have the repetitiveness like the first one, the pacing was top notch which was a big problem with Halo 2, and it didn't have that cheap annoying level like the 'Cortana' one on Halo 3. Ohh it also helps when there's less back-tracking.
Overall I give Reach a 9/10. Bungie really went all out in this one.
Like it or not, few games have been so profoundly influential as Halo. Its various sequels and spin-offs have generated billions of dollars, consumed eons of man hours and completely altered gaming in general. Each successive release has set precedents and Halo: Reach was certainly no exception.
As Reach approaches its one-week anniversary, Bungie dropped a bunch of stats on the game’s performance:
* 31,000,000 games have been played since launch.
* 98,000,000 player games have been recorded.
* 8,214,338 Daily Challenges have been completed.
* 255,996 Weekly Challenges have been completed.
* 78,499,560,895 total credits have been earned.
* 953 years have been spent in match-made games.
* 1,365 years have been spent in campaign.
* 854,107 files have been uploaded.
* 577,804 recommendations have been sent to friends.
* 4,619,455 files have been downloaded.
The numbers are almost as disheartening as they are impressive. More than 2,000 years have been spent in game -- in less than a week.
"Halo: Reach" by the Numbers - Yahoo! News
This is the only shooter that I really enjoy. I really liked the first modern warfare but I got bored with MW2 since gameplay upgrades were minimal. The multiplayer gameplay is heads and above any shooter out there.
Halo: Reach makes tremendous impact!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has ruled the No. 1 spot on social-gaming-network Raptr's Top 10 list since it stormed gaming platforms in November 2009. But the newest blockbuster shooter has knocked MW2 out of the top spot less than week after its release -- Halo: Reach.
According to Raptr Vice President of Business Development and Marketing Ranah Edelin, "COD: MW2 was in the top spot pretty much the week after it launched and hasn’t moved…basically, 10 months."
Raptr's Top 10 chart reports that members have played over 1.2 million hours of Halo: Reach since the game debuted Tuesday. To put that into perspective, the average lifespan of the typical American is 78 years -- that's roughly 700,000 hours (waking and sleeping).
Halo: Reach ends Modern Warfare 2's Raptr reign, News from GamePro
Still waiting for my magic Xbox360 slim box to appear heehehehe so want to play halo reach multiplayer
naa bah pc version ani?
Interesting game.
wah this game is nice.
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