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  1. #131

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    Quote Originally Posted by omar50071
    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    1] one of the angles from common circles said that one influential not necessarily rich family was victimized by this barkada one time or so and they have police blotters left and right. so they are easy prey.
    For that kid who was victimized by these barkadas, it would be too risky, not to mention costly, for him to frame up such personalities.
    Hunting the Laranaga's/Osmena's is like hunting for a lion in a jungle for dinner, why not hunt for a deer instead? I dont agree with your statement they were'nt easy prey.

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    2] Yeah, Rusia identified Paco! Say again? Rusia?
    Yup, Who else?

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    3] Of course, but the bad part of trial by publicity is that the media always covers the negative side and the public tends to empathize and in some cases even influence a court decision. why do you think the IBP will move heaven and earth just so the media cannot expose judges who dismisses big drug cases?
    One of his so-called witnesses was a Garcia diba? (correct me if Im wrong) I think they owned CDN right?

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    4] Nope, the judge was murdered to eventually silence him. The late Judge Ocampo was a hermit and was quite eccentric. But going to a hotel with 2 hookers simply did not add up. Going to an Estrada-owned hotel at a room that was so secluded even from the lens of the in-house surveillance camera. hanged himself with all his wrists and ankles about to fall off. then came the 2 LapuLapu policemen very corrupt, crooked and with pending admin cases came over and tampered all the evidence in the room before other police angencies arrived and was merely suspended for it.
    Judges has sexual urges too just like everyone else, and FYI he has no wife living with him to accomodate it. It's hard to believe for someone to murder a judge who has done big favor from the person. In the first place, If he would squeal, it would be tantamount or worst than committing suicide. That is why I would be more inclined to believe that the chiong 5's has their hands on it, if it was proven that he was murdered. V for Vendetta ba...

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    5] It was not the supreme court who believe that they were tampered evidences but it was the lower courts who accepted the tampered evidences. moreover, thelma chiong refused to cooperate in the autopsy of her daughter by other investigating bodies for reasons I don't know why. Probably, she ONLY knows.
    An appeal was made to further investigate it, whether the lower court errouneously charged the suspects, all the cards had been layed down and evaluated, either the Chiong's or Laranaga's, and according to the objective decision of the SC, they deserve to die.

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    6] He had sleepless nights because he was threatened, if not tortured.
    maybe...and maybe not.

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    7] This is not a conspiracy theory. This was about drugs and the involvement of the chiongs. and this theory was backed up by Cong. Cuenco.
    Cong. Cuenco could be wrong, and it remains a theory.

    Quote Originally Posted by LytSlpr
    8] It is immaterial if the Osmena's have private planes. The fact is that those witnesses were with him on the night of the murder. So are you trying to insinuate that Paco flew over via chartered plane just to rape the Chiongs?
    He may not have planned to rape someone that night, but the course of the situation leads to it, guided by some drugs.
    All I can say is that during the time this happened, all the victims, the courts, the police, the owner of the hotel, the people involved in the drug theory are all connected to Lacson and Estrada. We all heard what Lacson personally did so it this theory SOULD HAVE some shed of truth in it.

    All I can say is that the turn of events was not "smooth" even for the side of the victims. a lot of VALID WHY's can be raised, therefore creates big reasonable doubts.

    I don't want to have a RE-TRIAL in this forum by answering all your views point-by-point even if I can. What I am trying to say is that when this case was decided a lot of disturbing questions still lingers on the part of the accuseds and their friends and it SHOULD leave a lot of questions to an OBJECTIVE PUBLIC.

    What do you think those rich kids think of our justice system now if TRULY they were with Paco? Probably they now know the realities of life in our country, that it is not all sweet and colorful.

    Even our family directly experienced grave injustice and corruption up to the Supreme Court. So let us erase this notion that these Supreme Court Justices [e.g. Justice Narvasa] are all noble and wise because only the man with the BUCKS is and in the case of the Chiong 7 it just so happen that the people behind all these had MORE bucks and power than them AT THAT TIME but the tides are about to turn...

    It would be really iinteresting to re-try this case with MariJoy's body exhumed free for everybody to examine, with a different judge and now at a different time in the TRUE INTEREST of justice. I just hope the accuseds can find probable cause to have a re-trial of this case. It may be a longshot but definitely not legally impossible.

  2. #132

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    @lytslpr....wa kaayo ko ka subay ani nga kaso bro...but diba duha man ni sila ka sisters? ngano si marijoy ra man imong gi mention nga i-exhume? kato diayng usa? (sori ha kon "simple" kaayo ang i said wala ko ka tuhog ani tanan man gud)

  3. #133

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gwynhuever
    @lytslpr....wa kaayo ko ka subay ani nga kaso bro...but diba duha man ni sila ka sisters? ngano si marijoy ra man imong gi mention nga i-exhume? kato diayng usa? (sori ha kon "simple" kaayo ang i said wala ko ka tuhog ani tanan man gud)
    Jacqueline was not found.

  4. #134

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.


    I admire your knowledge re this case, very well versed even to the minute details. but the truth is, the "common tao" would've never remembered them - both victims & accuseds - if not for this simple reason, "PGMA's commutation of the death penalty" a couple of weeks ago. I for one would have a hard time remembering their names much less the events that happened on those fateful days. reality check: this crime happened in our country, that means it would be eons before advanced technology and forensic science could help either side determine who the real perpetrators are if you stand by your argument. but until then, it's moot and academic discussing a case already decided at the supreme court level.
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  5. #135

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    Quote Originally Posted by omad

    I admire your knowledge re this case, very well versed even to the minute details. but the truth is, the "common tao" would've never remembered them - both victims & accuseds - if not for this simple reason, "PGMA's commutation of the death penalty" a couple of weeks ago. I for one would have a hard time remembering their names much less the events that happened on those fateful days. reality check: this crime happened in our country, that means it would be eons before advanced technology and forensic science could help either side determine who the real perpetrators are if you stand by your argument. but until then, it's moot and academic discussing a case already decided at the supreme court level.

    Would you believe I have read all the reports articles and news documentaries on this case because our family knows ALL the involved parties.* From the Chiongs, Larranagas, Aznars, lawyers of both sides and even the Judge.

    I am not for anybody's side because we know both sides but the more that Paco is not exonerated the more that true Justice for the Chiong sisters is not served.* While I undestand Thelma Chiong's sentiments I also understand her actions for reasons I want to keep to myself.* I truly pity Mrs. Chiong coz she can NEVER scream TRUE JUSTICE, that's all I can say.* I also pity Mrs. Larranaga who is the one truly suffering because of the plight of her son who she truly and wholeheartedly believes is innocent.

    Mrs. Chiong's family, relatives and the Chiong sisters' friends are even fortunate in a way because they have all moved on but on the other hand,* Mrs. Larranaga's family relatives and Paco's friends are still hung up on Paco's innocence because if Paco was truly guilty EVERYBODY should have already moved on by now.

    I hope everybody here understands why I HAVE TO give my peace on this case...

  6. #136

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    update on the Chiong case:
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
    Tuesday, August 01, 2006
    SC reduces death sentence of 6 Chiong accused
    By Karlon N. Rama Sun.Star Staff Reporter

    The death sentence on Francisco Juan Larrañaga and five of his six co-accused in the Chiong abduction and murder case is now downgraded to reclusion perpetua (20 to 40 years).

    Regional Trial Court (RTC) Judge Simeon Dumdum, presiding over the same branch of court that sent all seven accused to death row in May 1999, handed down the new sentence yesterday.

    “The court hereby orders the commitment of the aforementioned convicts who are detained at the New Bilibid Prisons in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila so that they may be considered remitted there for purposes of serving their sentence,” Dumdum said in the order.

    And per the Supreme Court’s ruling in the People vs. Baguio case, Larra-ñaga, Josman Aznar, Rowen Adlawan, Alberto Caño, Ariel Balansag and James Andrew Uy, will be imprisoned for at least 30 years before becoming eligible for parole.

    James Anthony Uy, who was a minor at the time of the crime on July 16, 1997, may apply for immediate probation in accordance with Republic Act 9344 or the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006.

    Section 42 of the law, which prohibits the filing of criminal charges against a minor unless he is above 15 years old, states: “The court, after it shall have convicted and sentenced a child in conflict with the law... places the child on probation in lieu of service of his sentence, taking into account the best interest of the child.”

    However, a High Court ruling last Jan. 31, 2006 found merit in James Andrew’s motion for reconsideration stating he was 17 years old, a minor, when the crime was committed. So instead of death, the sentence imposed on James Andrew reclusion perpetua (20 to 40 years) for Marijoy’s case and reclusion temporal (12 to 17 years) for Jacqueline’s case.

    Dumdum, in the same order, also granted the Chiong family’s July 24, 2006 motion and issued a writ of execution that enforces the trial court’s award of P750,000 to them as indemnification.

    Thelma Chiong, in a separate interview, said the family will object to any application for probation that the Uy family might file in James Anthony’s behalf.

    She said while juvenile justice law says the court may place a convict under probation if a minor, another provision says this does not include those convicted for heinous offenses.

    Chiong nevertheless welcomed the issuance of the writ of execution for the civil claims.

    “The case is already finished. And they have been convicted twice for it—once in the local court and then the Supreme Court (SC),” she said in Cebuano.

    full story
    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

  7. #137

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    Dugaya na ani na happen no, 1styr college paman ko pagka hitabu ani... It was probably Cebu City's crime of the year.

    Paco was a schoolmate of mine during high school, one year ahead of mine... he was bagsik but close to the teachers and school administrators. He's mother was an excellent PTCA President. Although he was just one of the bagsik/pa-ugat studs, he never committed any major school offense, aside from making our teachers insane sometimes.

    I don't really knew him much, but a close friend of mine was one of his minions or lackeys... And according to them, he could not do those things... Although in my opinion, perhaps during that fateful night, it was really not their plan to commit a crime... maybe along the way accidents occured and there was no more chance to turn back...

  8. #138

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    Not true. Courts will accept those, but they have to be "sponsored", meaning a knowledgeable witness has to be presented who will identify these documents.

    [quote=Freeza ]

    just like jason webb's case, the court does not admit plane tickets, dated pictures or even stamped passports as evidence. for reasons, i don't know. if i am not mistaken, the webb's even had the FBI certify that Jason Webb was in the U.S. at the time of the crime but it was not accepted either. i don't know the legalities to this.

    that is true but sometimes that is your only defense. that's why there is C.S.I.

    C.S.I not in 25 years if were lucky heheheehe when do you think were gonna have forensic team like that..

  9. #139

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    I haven't read through all the previous posts, but here's what i can say...

    I am quite close to some of Paco's good friends, and on that night that those atrocities happened, they all swear that PACO WAS IN MANILA. They even have pictures to prove it... Now these friends I am talking about would NOT in any way cover up for a rapist and murderer, as half of them are women...

    This is the reason why a father of one of those close freinds is, up to this day, still fighting for Paco.. Paco is not related to him, but he could not take the fact that an innocent person was gonna take the fall for something he COULD NOT have commited...

    Aside from this, NOT ALL THE ACCUSED KNEW EACH OTHER. Now, would you commit a double rape and murder with people you don't know? Some of them only met when they were rounded up...

    There is someone, or a group of people, behind this whole cover up, and this person or group has goons, gold, guns and connections...

    I don't know all the gory details of this affair, but thats what I know from my friends, and they would not be defending Paco, if there was even a chance that he really did it.

  10. #140

    Default Re: New Hope for Chiong 5.

    guys, your thoughts on these developments.....
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___
    Wednesday, August 02, 2006
    2 of Chiong convicts ‘can apply for parole’
    By Karlon N. Rama
    Sun.Star Staff Reporter

    Not one but two of the seven Chiong case convicts can apply for parole and secure their release from prison.

    This is because the Supreme Court, in a resolution promulgated in January this year, ruled that James Andrew Uy, like his younger brother James Anthony, was a minor when they took part in the abduction and murder of sisters Marijoy and Jacqueline Chiong.

    The Jan. 31, 2006 ruling was not part of the records endorsed by the Office of the Court Administrator to the Regional Trial Court (RTC) and, as a result, was not mentioned in Regional Trial Court Judge Simeon Dumdum’s July 31 order sentencing the seven convicts.

    full story
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __
    Shut Up! Let your GAME do the talking!

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