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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Banks with high interest rates

    Am I posting this on the right thread?

    I just wanna ask if what are the known banks that has high interest rates..I'm planning to invest on it.. Kindly give me your ideas and details like how much is the minimum deposit? How many years before it will increase your money... Thank you

  2. #2
    sent you a PM

  3. #3
    murag naa na ni previous thread... try to invest in stocks... or mutual fund..

  4. #4
    I checked on different banks website murag ang pinagamyan og deposit kay ang land bank... 10k 90 - 360 days .5632% ang interest.

  5. #5
    banks always have a low interest............

  6. #6
    low risk = low interest. thats how it works.

    if you want high interest, adto sa mga small rural banks.

  7. #7
    sir invite tika sa IMG, they give free seminar on financial management only for an hour discussion, its free.. just pm me. to give you reservation..

  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    try lbc bank 7.5% min 50K tingali
    try also banco filipino.... almost same rate...

  9. #9
    to thread starter:

    since you are planning to invest in, why not invest it in mutual fund? it gives much higher interest. but take note mf is much better if for long term.

  10. #10
    i heard standard chartered (power earner account) and china bank have high interest rates...

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