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1The Qur’an is the greatest gift of God to humanity, and its wisdom is of a unique kind. Briefly stated, the purpose of the book is to guard the previous revelations and to restore the eternal truth of God, to guide humanity to the Straight Path and quicken the soul of man, to awaken the human conscience and enlighten the human mind.
One must know that the Qur’an was revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad through Angel Gabriel in a pure Arabic, one of the Semitic languages that still spoken today. It’s because of the desires of the Muslims to act in accordance with the command of Allah to invite mankind to the Straight Path, that the Qur’an was translated in many languages provided the original Arabic Script should be written besides the translation so as to preserve its original meanings. Though the translation do not do justice to the novelty and the beauty and the superb nature of the Qur’an in Arabic yet in a translation you can still feel whether these are the words of man or the words of God. The Qur’an is the only revealed book that you can still verify its original scripts until now. So, to judge the Qur’an as flawed book just like the Bible, is a sweeping statement in an attempt to discredit its relevance.
And may I have to correct you that Muslims does not condemn anyone for whatever he believes, because it is the fundamental teaching in Islam that “There should be no compulsion in religion”. So for you to accuse that Muslims condemn anyone for whatever he believes has no proof and a mere propaganda to malign the Muslims.
2 Muslims also believe that Islam has come to reaffirm the Eternal Divine Message and settle the past religious disputes so that man may embark upon creative constructive activities in all walks of life. This does not mean that the Muslims set themselves apart from or above the rest of mankind. They try neither to impose Islam nor to classify the human race into inferior and superior ranks. They do not entertain the concept of favored and condemned nations or endorse the doctrine of the Chosen and the Gentile. Rather, they are commissioned to convey the Divine Message to mankind and to make their indispensable contribution to humanity. In other words, the Muslims cannot afford to be indifferent, exclusive, or arrogant. It is their solemn duty to open wide their minds to all the realities of life and stretch far their arms to all people of whatever class, creed, race or nationality. The good which they can do and the services they can render will fully materialize only when they put Islam into practice and associate with other people in the kind, humane spirit of Islam.
1Appendix I, the Qur’an and its Wisdom, Islam in Focus by Hammudah Abdalati
2Foreword, Islam in Focus by Hammudah Abdalati