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  1. #11

    ^^sir, wala pa nimo natubag akng question. hehehe. igo ra ka ni ingon nga dli ra ang CHH ang gagmay og hatag sa ilang nurses.

    hhhhhhmmmm. ngano jd kaha gamay og sweldo ang mga nurses sa dagko nga hospital sa?

  2. #12
    ni follow raman sila sa standard rates in terms of salary sa nurse. 270+ na cguro, compute that to the number of working days, mao nay salary. theres nothing wrong with it.

    government nasad na nang kikik, mga bu.aya nag linya para maka paak. nya pananglitan mu bayad gyud og tax ang CHH, asa man sad padung ang gi bayad bulsa rasad sa mga inatay. maypa dli.

    maayo gyud pamatyun tanan nang naa sa goberno. mga walay pulos.

  3. #13
    ^^mas dako lagi og sweldo ang nurse na naa sa mga government hospitals kysa sa private hospitals. hahaiz...

  4. #14
    What I don't get is that the City Treasurer's Office obviously recognized CHH's exemption status in previous years, so why withhold a permit now? Did that recognition somehow change? Or naa lang juy bikil?

    Instead of promoting Cebu as having a JCI accredited hospital and being a potential medical tourism destination, the City is making its own snap decisions, instead of allowing the courts to handle the matter.

  5. #15
    Only in the Philippines. hastang!

  6. #16
    C.I.A. Sol_Itaire's Avatar
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    He said the hospital’s earnings are used for programs that benefit the Cebuano community.

    These include upgrading its medical facilities, free annual medical and surgical services to the indigents, charity hospitalization services and fire protection services through the Filipino-Chinese Volunteer Fire Brigade, among others.

    what i think? they can greatly help by just lowering the cost of hospitalization there. perteng mahala na gyud tawn magpahospital.

  7. #17
    Issue here is if its non profit and how they can prove its non profit. Spending on equipment upgrades doesnt mean its non profit or makes it non profitable. Providing free medical surgical to indigents just means that they do community service and outreach programs. everyone does that but doesnt make you non-profit institution.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by cyraxx View Post
    Issue here is if its non profit and how they can prove its non profit. Spending on equipment upgrades doesnt mean its non profit or makes it non profitable. Providing free medical surgical to indigents just means that they do community service and outreach programs. everyone does that but doesnt make you non-profit institution.
    Good question. The court gets to decide on that issue, just like it did when it ruled that PSH is a non-profit hospital. (Click here for that story)

    The problem here is that the City government prefers to do things their own way, instead of letting the RTC do its job.

    What the City doesn't know is that even if they somehow managed to "win" this case, sila ra gihapon ang alkansi. First, you lose the only JCI accredited hospital outside of Luzon; second, you have another hospital that's sure to pass on their tax burdens to their patients., effectively making healthcare even more expensive. Score one for the local government.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarzan View Post

    dili sa paglaban sa Chun Hua, tinood mahal kaayo sila unya gamay ang sweldo sa ilang mga nurses. Pero kaning gamay ug seldo, murag tanan man siguro nga hospitals. di ba? About aning non-profit ug dapat taxed exempt ang chung hua, I really don't have any idea. I will leave that sa mga tawo nga naay alamag ani.
    ang government hospitals bro dag-o au ug sweldo compared sa private hospials, ang VCMC, gmai ang ilang sweldo sa probee pero ug ma regular ka arang2 nlang.. hehe!
    Last edited by itzurisen; 09-18-2010 at 10:45 PM.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by diatabz View Post
    Good question. The court gets to decide on that issue, just like it did when it ruled that PSH is a non-profit hospital. (Click here for that story)
    sa ako lang experience sa duty sa psh grabe au na cla kapangwarta, ilang mga exams daw na-a bayad, vol. pud, nya ang mga Dr. uban ug charity ang patient magyaw2 sa OB dept. nya dli ko kalimot pagstudyante pko wala na nakigaffiliate ang USC ani nga hosp. kai gapangayo ang access road sa luyo nya nangayo ug pila ka million pra erenew ang affiliation, nya ang student dli pa kahikap sa pt. kai private, may gani SOtto na ang USC ron...U may nalang nindot ang exposure sa students sa sotto...U

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