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  1. #21

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    naa ra na sa tahi sa kilid and tela daugon. lahi ra jd ang orig from d fake, u can tell sa tela lang niya. get an orig one n lay it side by side sa fake, ul see

  2. #22

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    what if it's your first pair and is sold by a friend or from istorya and you have nothing to compare against. what should you do so that you can tell if it's genuine or not. could you just trust your instincts? basta buy ka ug barato and sold other than the authorized dealers/sellers swerte swerte lang na kay naay mangingilad nga will take advantage of those that cannot tell a genuine from a fake.

  3. #23

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    Quote Originally Posted by matt hue
    what if it's your first pair and is sold by a friend or from istorya and you have nothing to compare against. what should you do so that you can tell if it's genuine or not. could you just trust your instincts? basta buy ka ug barato and sold other than the authorized dealers/sellers swerte swerte lang na kay naay mangingilad nga will take advantage of those that cannot tell a genuine from a fake.
    we all have this wat we call common sense go to a levis shop, and compare. or better yet, dont buy it nalang esp. if
    - u're unsure
    - u cant find a levis shop
    - u dunno a single soul who owns an orig levis jeans to compare it with

  4. #24

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    Quote Originally Posted by angelfyre
    Quote Originally Posted by matt hue
    what if it's your first pair and is sold by a friend or from istorya and you have nothing to compare against. what should you do so that you can tell if it's genuine or not. could you just trust your instincts? basta buy ka ug barato and sold other than the authorized dealers/sellers swerte swerte lang na kay naay mangingilad nga will take advantage of those that cannot tell a genuine from a fake.
    we all have this wat we call common senseĀ* go to a levis shop, and compare. or better yet, dont buy it nalang esp. if
    - u're unsure
    - u cant find a levis shop
    - u dunno a single soul who owns an orig levis jeans to compare it with
    yeah i agree with you.... that was totally what i was gonna reply with this post but you already posted it... heheheh.... can't you just go to a levi's shop? i mean you can't really trust those people selling in the streets, especially when they sell it cheap.... :mrgreen:

  5. #25

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    i-check ang edges or kana ganing tahi? it should be bue and golden yellow...

  6. #26

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    its simply try to see the zipper of the pants..if there's a brand name and not "ykk" well that's original..not pnly for levi's but almost all..

  7. #27

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    Not necesarrily na YKK ang zipper is FAKE siya . Tanan LEVIS BOTIQUES sa US Dept stores and malls naay masagol na LEVIS or YKK ang tatak sa zipper .. I used to have that mentality . Even a made in the Philippines LEVIS doesnt mean fake kay naa man factory sa Levis diha sa Pasong Tamo , the best way to check is get someone who knows LEVIS well to check the quality of the cloth . Ma karaan or bag-o ang LEVIS , mailhan gyud ang orig sa peke .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  8. #28

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    ang orig nga levis k nay murag logo sa levis sa nga pocket... sa sulod ha..i mean kanang pag balihon nimo ang pantalon makita...

  9. #29

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    didto ka palit sa levis jud na store para sure

  10. #30

    Default Re: how do u know orig ang levis

    ^^ i agree ..

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