jojo_mouth2: usually bro standby mi daan sa starmart den mga 2am adto na sa pikas lane
jojo_mouth2: usually bro standby mi daan sa starmart den mga 2am adto na sa pikas lane
2am? ataya papauliun nako sa akong misis ana hehehe! bitaw, karun saturday deli ko makalaag coz naa mama nako muabot deri sa sugbo. so entertainun sa nako. basin next sat nako laagOriginally Posted by usrolla
Cholo, kadtong crosswind kay si doy to AKA jon. si jojomouth is the guy who has a red lancer and goes with me to the legal races. you've seen him before. maybe kalimot lang ka. another bugrock jojo is the one with the hayabusa. hinumdum ka nahulog ka sa SRP pagwheelie sa bike? hehehe.. another jojo we know is the one with the black bao sa bugrock. Still paying for your DUI? damned. some heavy $hit i suppose...
@ VDubCalLooker70 : i prob-ly recognize him by face,.....
wat are u talkin' about,.... i dint fall of the bike,...... i was on the back of jojo's bike and he did a wheely,...... and i was about to fall off so i grabbed on to him like a faget,... hahahaha,.....
but datz wat happen,...... i still got dat video from dat race,..... i was f_ckin' "f_cked up" freal,....
yup,.... i gotta do all kinds of shit coz of this DUI nonsense,....
-- like 110 hours of community service,..... (workin' at Goodwill)
-- 6 meets of AA (alcoholic anonymous),...
-- 3 months of DUI class,.... (1 meeting every week) (300 bucks to register for this program)
-- H&M Program (Hospital and Morgue) - telling us why drinkin' is not good for us,.... and showing us dead bodies dat was cause by drinking and driving)
-- and i still have to pay a court fee,.... i think its 500 bucks
and u know wat,... i wasn't even charged with a DUI,..... the judge offered a "WET RECKLESS" or Reckless Driving Involving Alcohol,...... coz my BAC was 0.09% (and here in cali. the legal BAC is 0.08%) the judge just cut me some slack,... and gave me the WET Reckless,.... w/c is a much lesser charge then a DUI,....
cholocoy, yes bai, murag nag-ila nata. by face basin magrecognize ra hehehe... AA? i remember my cuzn in cdo was subjected to AA after they were arrested for drugs hehehe...
@ jojo_mouth2 : aiite koo,.... i'll see u when i get back there,.... maybe around end of this year or the start of next year,.... i still gotta take care of this DUI bullshit,...
yeah this AA (alcoholic anonymous) is some bullshit,.....
its a group of people dat get 2gether and talk about trying to quit drinking / how to qiut drinking / talk about that they been sober for 22 years or watever,..... and that they still have fear about drinking again,......
and you wats f_ck'd up,.... everytime you or a person talks or ask a question,.... u gotta say ur name and ur status,....
like for example,... if its me,...
"hi,... my name is Cholo and im a alcoholic" or if u dont drink any more,.... "hi,.. my name is John,... and i'v been sober for 32 years"
and thn you talk or ask a question,....
wat do u think,...?? datz f_ck'ed up huh
,..... its about 2 hours of dat nonsense every meeting,..
@ ybk234 : do u still have communication with jun,.... or any of the DUBster'z?
if not u can roll with VDubCalLooker70 to start mart and go to the 2nd bridge after that,....
is dat koo with u Lu?
ay Lu,..... ur bug is pretty tight,... i'v seen da way ur sound was set-up,.... but i dint see da ride its self,.... i give u props for it,.... finally got it lookin' tight again huh,....Originally Posted by VDubCalLooker70
but wat u think bout slapin' some sick ass rims on it,.... gimmie ur bolt pattern,... and off-set,....
wat u rollin' on right now? 15"
Wow drag racing!!!! hehehehe
cholo sup?
nice beetle! :mrgreen: thumbs up
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