CPUs - Fastest to Slowest -latest
CPUs - Fastest to Slowest
Latest CPU performance chart
Use this website
Charts, benchmarks 2009 Desktop CPU Charts (Update 1), Performance Index
for a full updated list. Credit: tomshardware.com
New Chart:
Note in progress.
Core i7-975 Extreme Edition Bloomfield
Intel Core i7-965 Extreme Edition Bloomfield
Intel Core i7-960 Bloomfield
Intel Core i7-870 Lynnfield
Intel Core i7-950 Bloomfield
Intel Core i7-940 Bloomfield
Intel Core i7-860 Lynnfield
Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield
Intel Core i5-750 Lynnfield
Intel Core 2 Quad Extreme QX9770 Yorkfield
AMD Phenom II X4 965 Deneb
Intel Core 2 Quad Extreme QX9650 Yorkfield
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 Yorkfield
AMD Phenom II X4 955 Deneb
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 Yorkfield
AMD Phenom II X4 945 Deneb
AMD Phenom II X4 940 Deneb
Intel Core 2 Quad Extreme QX6850 Kentsfield
Phenom II X3 720 Heka
Intel Core 2 E8400 Wolfdale
Intel Core 2 Quad QX6800 Kentsfield
Intel Core 2 E7600 Wolfdale
Intel Core 2 E7500 Wolfdale
Intel Core 2 E7400 Wolfdale
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 Yorkfield
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 Yorkfield
AMD Phenom II X4 925 Deneb
AMD Phenom II X4 920 Deneb
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 Yorkfield
Phenom II X3 710 Heka
Intel Core 2 E7300 Wolfdale
Intel Core 2 E7200 Wolfdale
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 Yorkfield
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 Yorkfield
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 Yorkfield
AMD Phenom II X4 910 Deneb
AMD Phenom II X4 905e Deneb
Old Chart
001. Core 2 Duo 6850 Conroe
002. Extreme Core 2 Duo X6800
003. Quad Core Q6700 Kentsfield
004. Core 2 Duo 6750 Conroe
005. Core 2 Duo 6700 Conroe
006. Quad Core Q6600 Kentsfield
007. Core 2 Duo 6600 Conroe
008. Athlon 64 X2 6000+ "Dual Core"
009. Core 2 Duo 6550 Conroe
010. Athlon 64 X2 5600+ "Dual Core"
011. Athlon 64 FX-62 Windsor
012. Core 2 Duo 6420 Conroe
013. Core 2 Duo 6400 Allendale
014. Athlon 64 X2 5200+ "Dual Core"
015. Athlon 64 FX-60 Toledo
016. Athlon 64 X2 5000+ "Dual Core"
017. Athlon 64 X2 4800+ "Dual Core"
018. Athlon 64 X2 4600+ "Dual Core"
019. Core 2 Duo 6320 Conroe
020. Core 2 Duo 6300 Allendale
021. Athlon 64 FX-57 San Diego
022. Athlon 64 FX-55 Clawhammer/San Diego
023. Core 2 Duo 4600 Allendale
024. Core 2 Duo 4500 Allendale
025. Core 2 Duo 4400 Allendale
026. Athlon 64 X2 4400+ "Dual Core"
027. Core 2 Duo 4300 Allendale
028. Athlon 64 X2 4200+ "Dual Core"
029. Core 2 Duo 2200 Allendale
030. Core 2 Duo 2180 Allendale
031. Athlon 64 X2 4000+ "Dual Core"
032. Core 2 Duo 2160 Allendale
033. Core 2 Duo 2140 Allendale
034. Athlon 64 X2 3800+ "Dual Core"
035. Athlon 64 X2 3600+ "Dual Core"
036. Intel Pentium Extreme Edition "EE" 955 3.46GHz "Dual-Core"
037. Intel Pentium Extreme Edition "EE" 840 3.2GHz "Dual-Core"
038. Pentium D 840 3.2GHz "Dual Core"
039. Pentium D 830 3.0GHz "Dual Core"
040. Athlon 64 4200+ San Diego
041. Pentium D 820 2.8GHz "Dual Core"
042. Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego
043. Athlon 64 4000+ Clawhammer
044. Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego
045. Pentium 4 EE 3.72GHz Prescott
046. Athlon 64 3800+ Venice
047. Athlon 64 3700+ Venice
048. Athlon 64 3800+ Newcastle
049. Athlon 64 3700+ Clawhammer
050. Pentium 4 EE 3.46GHz Gallatin
051. Athlon 64 FX-51 Clawhammer
052. Pentium 4 EE 3.46GHz Class "A" Gallatin
053. Pentium 4 570 Prescott Class "B"
054. Athlon 64 3500+ Venice
055. Athlon 64 3400+ Newcastle
056. Pentium 4 660 Prescott Class "A
057. Athlon 64 3500+ Winchester
058. Athlon 64 3400+ Clawhammer
059. Pentium 4 EE 3.40GHz Gallatin
060. Pentium 4 560 Prescott Class "A"
061. Pentium 4 EE 3.40GHz Class "A" Gallatin
062. Athlon 64 3200+ Venice
063. Pentium 4 650 Prescott Class ""A"
064. Athlon 64 3000+ Venice
065. Athlon 64 3200+ Winchester
066. Pentium 4 640 Prescott Class "A"
067. Athlon 64 3200+ Newcastle
068. Athlon 64 3200+ Clawhammer
069. Pentium 4 630 Prescott Class "A"
070. Pentium 4 EE 3.20GHz Prestonia
071. Pentium 4 620 Prescott Class "A"
072. Pentium 4 550 Prescott Class "A"
073. Pentium 4 EE 3.20GHz
074. Athlon 64 3000+ Winchester
075. Pentium 4 3.20GHz Class "A" Prescott
076. Pentium 4 530 Prescott Class "A"
077. Pentium 4 3.4GHz Northwood Class "C"
078. Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle
079. Athlon 64 2800+ Newcastle
080. Athlon 64 3100+ Sempron
081. Pentium 4 520 Prescott Class "B"
082. Pentium 4 3GHz Northwood Class "A"
083. Pentium 4 2.8GHz Class "C" Prescott
084. Pentium 4 2.8GHz Northwood Class "A"
085. AMD XP3200+ Barton
086. Pentium 4 3.06GHz Northwood Class "A"
087. AMD XP3000+ Barton
088. Pentium 4 2.80GHz Class "C" Northwood
089. Pentium 4 2.4GHz Class "C" Northwood
090. Pentium 4 2.26GHz Class "C" Northwood
091. Athlon XP 2800+ Barton
092. Pentium 4 3.06GHz Northwood Class "D"
093. Pentium 4 2.66GHz Northwood Class "D"
094. Athlon XP Sempron 3000+ Barton
095. Pentium 4 2.8GHz Class "D" Northwood
096. Athlon XP 2800+ Thoroughbred B
097. Athlon XP 2600+ Barton
098. Pentium 4 2.53GHz Class "D" Northwood
099. Athlon XP 2700+ Thoroughbred B
100. Athlon XP 2500+ Barton
101. Sempron 2500+ Thoroughbred B
102. Celeron D 2.8GHz Prescott Class "B"
103. Pentium 4 2.8GHz Class "D" Northwood
104. Pentium 4 2.6GHz Class "D" Northwood
105. Pentium 4 2.4GHz Class "D" Northwood
106. Pentium 4 2.2GHz Class "D" Northwood
107. Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred B
108. Pentium 4 2GHz Northwood Class "D"
109. Athlon XP 2400+ Thoroughbred B
110. Pentium 4 2.8GHz Northwood Class "D"
111. Athlon XP 2100+ Thoroughbred B
112. Athlon XP 2000+ Thoroughbred B
113. Athlon XP 1800+ Thoroughbred B
114. Athlon XP 1700+ Thoroughbred B
115. Athlon XP 1600+ Thoroughbred B
116. Pentium 4 2.0GHz Class "D" Northwood
117. Pentium 4 1.8GHz Class "D" Northwood
118. Athlon XP 2100+ Thoroughbred B – Old Revision
119. Athlon XP 2000+ Thoroughbred B – Old Revision
120. Pentium 4 1.6GHz Northwood Class "D"
121. Athlon XP 1900+ Thoroughbred B – Old Revision
123. Pentium 4 1.7Ghz Willamette
124. Athlon XP 1800+ Thoroughbred B – Old Revision
125. Athlon XP 1700+ Thoroughbred B – Old Revision
126. Athlon XP 1600+ Thoroughbred B – Old Revision
127. Pentium 4 1.5Ghz Willamette
128. Athlon XP 1500+ Thoroughbred B – Old Revision
129. Pentium III 1.20GHz Tualatin
130. Athlon "C" 1400 Thunderbird
131. Athlon "C" 1333 Thunderbird
132. Pentium 4 1.3GHz Willamette
133. Athlon "C" 1200 Thunderbird
134. Athlon "C" 1300 Thunderbird
135. Celeron 1.3GHz Tualatin
136. Athlon "B" 1200 Thunderbird
137. Celeron 1.2GHz Tualatin
138. Celeron 2.6Ghz Northwood Class "D"
139. Pentium III 1000BB Coppermine
140. Athlon B 1100 Thunderbird
141. Celeron 2.4Ghz Northwood Class "D"
142. Athlon C 1000 Thunderbird
143. Duron 1300 Morgan
144. Athlon B 1000 Thunderbird
145. Pentium III 800 EB Coppermine
146. Athlon B 800 Thunderbird
147. Celeron 1.00Ghz Tualatin
148. Athlon B 650 Thunderbird
149. Pentium III 600 Coppermine
150. Duron 600 Morgan