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  1. #1

    Default Separate CR for third ***

    hi guys..i dunno if a thread like this exists..havent seen any pa..
    so, by the way, i read sa newspapers and seen the news na their planning to separate the cr for gays (third ***)? y ? and y not?

  2. #2
    there are 2 classification of a person. a male and a female, and there only two kinds of toilet the one that is hanged used by guys and the one ordinary toilet used by the females.. hmm if ever there would be a toilet for the 3rd ***.. how would the toilet look like?

    ive seen alot of gays in females washrooms and its kinda awkward being in the same place with them. so im saying yes to the 3rd *** washroom. hehehe

  3. #3
    mao jud sakto jud ni.. one time ay kana gani CR sa male sa ayala.. naay nabusuhan jud kog bayot.. itsip kaayu

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by dleniako View Post
    hi guys..i dunno if a thread like this exists..havent seen any pa..
    so, by the way, i read sa newspapers and seen the news na their planning to separate the cr for gays (third ***)? y ? and y not?

    Para nako ok ra man ang 2 lang ka CR...Kung unsa tools na naa niya di adto siya na CR mu sulod...Or kung unsa jud iya pamati niya sa iyang self di adto siya. If we have a 3rd CR mura mudugang man sa discrimination gud kay ipalahi jud nato sila...If you remember sauna panahon, there was segregation in schools between the whites and the "colored folk"(a term which is considered offensive now but was used before). It sounds similar. So I say no to this.

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