^^^ @edgeknife: mao gyud! uwaw kaayo oi!akong wife tua sa vietnam ron. butt of jokes ang mga pinoy ngadto! di na kuno sila ganahan mubisita sa pilipinas kay basin mahostage pud sila! pastilan!!!
i posted two contradicting arguments whether mendoza was guilty or not. the other blogs said that mendoza was deserving to be kicked out from PNP because of his anomalies while the other one said that the email sent by the father of one of mendoza's victims was fabricated and uses his connections in order to protect his son christian kalaw who was rumored to be a drug addict.
taas2 jud xa coz i was covering both sides man gud...
mendoza and the victim.
i'll also post the side of the ombudsman.
here it is...
Press Release
24 August 2010
Ombudsman: No injustice ex-cop's case
24 August 2010
The Office of the Ombudsman maintains that there was no injustice in the case of P/SInsp Rolando Mendoza.
In a press statement, Assistant Ombudsman Jose T. de Jesus, Jr. explained that Mendoza and the other respondents filed their motion for reconsideration (MR) on the Decision, dismissing them from the service,beyond the 10-day period. Despite this, Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and Law Enforcement Offices (MOLEO) Emilio Gonzalez III accepted the MR and assigned it to a new investigator so he can have a fresh look into the case.
The OMB-MOLEO resolved the motion and submitted it to the Office of Ombudsman Ma. Merceditas N. Gutierrez. The case is at present undergoing review by the lawyers at the Ombudsman Gutierrez’ office for their recommendation until this unfortunate incident occurred yesterday.
As the crisis was on-going last night, Manila Vice Mayor Isko Moreno met with Ombudsman Gutierrez to relay Mendoza’s demands. According to Moreno, Mendoza wanted that the case against him be dismissed and he be reinstated. Moreno then called Mendoza for him to be able to talk to Ombudsman Gutierrez. The Ombudsman in turn and assured him that she will personally look into the case, and that it will be resolved within 10 days. After the meeting, Ombudsman Gutierrez immediately ordered the lawyer reviewing the case to turn over the case folder to her.
Moreno asked the Ombudsman to write a formal letter confirming their conversation which he brought to Mendoza.
Mendoza, PInsp Nelson Lagasca, SPO1 Nestor David, PO3 Wilson Gavino and PO2 Roderick Lopena, all of the Manila Police District were charged with robbery, extortion, grave threats and physical injuries before the Internal Affairs Service of the Phil. National Police (PNP) by one Christian Kalaw.
In his complaint, Kalaw stated that on 09 April 2008, while his car was parked along Vito Cruz St., corner Taft Ave., Gavino and Lopena approached and while standing in front of his car told that he parked on a ‘No Parking area”. The two then accused him of being a drug user, conducted illegal search of his car, and took the P3,000.00 placed on the ashtray of his car.
He also stated that when the police officers found that he has a BPI ATM card, he was ordered to give his ATM pin and car and they tried to withdraw from his account.
He also stated that he was brought to the Ospital ng Maynila for a medical check-up, and while at the parking lot, David and Lopena grabbed his neck and forced him to swallow a suspected “shabu”. Kalaw also claimed that the respondents were demanding P200,000.00 “or this will be at the Fiscal's Office in the morning”. He said one of his friends gave him the amount of P20,000.00 which he gave to Gavino.
They were initially reassigned to ARMM, and subsequently preventively suspended for 90 days on the ground that the charges against them were serious and evidence of guilt was strong.
Then Kalaw’s father went to DO Gonzalez pleading that the Office of the Ombudsman take over the case because they feared for their lives, after the wife of Mendoza herself went to their house and delivered to them a copy of the summon reportedly coming from the PNP.
This prompted DO Gonzalez to ask the PNP to turn over the records of the case to this Office for administrative adjudication.
Im gonna side with the kalaws on this one. Ive heard too many stories of crooked policemen that convince me these kinds of abuses are rampant. Its up to the pnp to prove this wrong but as weve seen from the incident they've only wprsened their reputation. Overseas chinese are just now realizing how bad our police here are when local chinese already knew this when we found out most kidnappings in manila were perpetrated by ex-pnp officers.
Hostage-taker also faced gang rape charges | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features
MANILA, Philippines - Slain hostage-taker Rolando Mendoza was also accused of participating in the gang rape of a woman in Rizal Park in 1996, the same place where he would later hold hostage 22 Chinese tourists and 3 Filipinos, a police spokesman said Sunday.
Philippine National Police spokesman Senior Supt. Agrimero Cruz said Mendoza joined the police force in 1981 and won awards for his exemplary service in his first decade as a police officer.
This changed in 1996 when then Senior Police Officer 3 Mendoza was assigned to the police station near the Quirino Grandstand, the same place where Mendoza would later hijack a tourist bus in a bid to be reinstated to the service.
Cruz said Mendoza was accused of involvement in a robbery-extortion incident as well as the gangrape of a woman in Rizal Park. He said the woman was arrested for vagrancy in the vicinity of Quirino Grandstand and then separated from his boyfriend.
"The detained lady was separated from her boyfriend (and) repeatedly raped by Rolando Mendoza and his group," he said in an interview.
Cruz said both cases were dismissed after the complainants failed to show up in court.
Twelve years later, Mendoza would again be accused of robbery-extortion by a hotel chef who said he was forced to eat methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu) by Mendoza's group.
The Office of the Ombudsman ordered Mendoza's dismissal from the police force in 2009. Last Monday, the dismissed police officer took a busload of Hong Kong tourists hostage and demanded to be reinstated. The 11-hour hostage drama ended with Mendoza and 8 of the tourists shot dead.
more shame. maypa diay gitumba na ni sya from the start.
^ Criminal jud diay ang amaw.. ang iyahang modus operandi sa pag-commit og crime sa Rizal Park klaro na kaayo nga guilty siya.
Daghan na tang racial ani hehehehe .
Anyways ... I do hope a lot more of JACKIE CHANS are still out there .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
mao nani ang resulta... daan pa gyud ko puro raman god ta pamulitika... mao raning presidenteha nga dili maduol ug dili mu duol sa mga to nga nagkinahanglan nya... ABNO gyud
aw chain reaction gyud ni sya...sikatsopoy nata ani...
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