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That's my point. Bush failed during a crisis and somebody else capitalized on the opportunity. Bush only revived his domestic popularity by launching operation shock & awe.... a massive firework display in the wrong country to convince the voters that he was winning the war on terror.
Wrong ... dont get complicated and technical with me . I am merely just talking about who is running the show during and after the event which we can compare in the threads about during and after the hostage takings .
OT : By the way ... the war on terror already happened and won 10 years prior to the 9/11 .
My personal feeling is that Pnoy kept out of things because he couldn't handle it. Relying on advisers is okay for long-term policy decisions, but for crisis management forget it. What is actually required in such instances is strong and decisive leadership.
Unsay gamit lage sa mga tao na gibutang nimo like committees ? Let me ask you though ... who do you think is the better leader who can handle it ?