These moral hypocrites and local leaders are doing a nice job for the SWAC (Spa and Wellness Association of Cebu), a group of spa owners whose businesses have been losing money and customers for some time.
The SWAC spas are aware of how lingam joints like Chuva Chuva and ALM are doing good business-wise. What did the SWAC do? Stage a campaign of fear and deception that lingam massage is immoral, unsanitary, etc.
SWAC knows well that once the government knocks down their competitors, they will gain greater control of Cebu's massage/spa market for themselves. Any individual who aspires to set up a spa business will have no choice but to get SWAC's approval. As for the SWAC joints, they will eventually raise their rates on consumers and leave them no choice.
Oh yes, take a close look at SWAC's advertising link with the local media, especially the Cebu Daily News. Local observers believe that CDN is helping the SWAC (client) by focusing attention on anything negative about lingam massage.
Think about it. There definitely is a set-up behind the scenes, behind these new stories, and behind the politicians dealing with lingam massage.
I'd love to see Alex Jones (or someone like him) expose the conspiracy and alert the people.