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  1. #1701

    Niara diay ang katong News ako nakit-an ganiha buntag

  2. #1702
    more pilipinos will be returned home desperately

  3. #1703
    Quote Originally Posted by hobie View Post
    again sis, PNP could have directed or requested a media black-out, or the DILG could have right? delegation sis delegation But, of course I understand all the clamour, the PResident could have done so ..
    unfortunately bro, naghinuwatay unsay nahitabo? bsag ang president wla ka hunahuna ana...

    now im wondering if the PNP, SWAT, and other politicians just loved to be seen on cam that's y they forgot to analyze, plan, and do what they had to do...they just wanted to been "in (stupid) action"

  4. #1704
    it isnt about the president should do the negotiating but its about his lack/inadequate actions.. kalayo ra man ni sa manila peninsula na fully armored SWAT with gas mask stormed the hotel with armored vehicles plus marines pa gyud. thats how powerful the president can do things. kakusug moingon the police lack equipment and training and yet he allowed them to proceed. pati crowd control, media control pati mga ambulances way coordination.

  5. #1705
    Quote Originally Posted by Romeojin View Post
    it isnt about the president should do the negotiating but its about his lack/inadequate actions.. kalayo ra man ni sa manila peninsula na fully armored SWAT with gas mask stormed the hotel with armored vehicles plus marines pa gyud. thats how powerful the president can do things. kakusug moingon the police lack equipment and training and yet he allowed them to proceed. pati crowd control, media control pati mga ambulances way coordination.
    yeah, to the point na naa bystander (usi) na igo ug stray bullet. duh! talk about crowd control.

  6. #1706
    Quote Originally Posted by cute_6423 View Post
    unfortunately bro, naghinuwatay unsay nahitabo? bsag ang president wla ka hunahuna ana...

    now im wondering if the PNP, SWAT, and other politicians just loved to be seen on cam that's y they forgot to analyze, plan, and do what they had to do...they just wanted to been "in (stupid) action"
    pilipinoss love violence that is why it happened. more pilipinos to suffer in chinese lands. let's see and more to see. your workers abroad will be lot in trouble.

  7. #1707
    its not about what you have but what you do with what you have... lol

  8. #1708
    mura man ni ug dli professional mga tawhana uy. . proud man kaayo nag posing2x. . wa gyud bsag gamay lang respeto or sympathy sa mga victims. asta ang presidente nato ga tingsi2x pa sa crime scene. . amawa style-a

  9. #1709
    Quote Originally Posted by reypel View Post
    kaluoy ni abnoy he is underfire. kuyaw kng mfired gyud

    that's what he and his crap advisers should have thought!

    if i were him. i wud go to the tv.

    | ask forgiveness of the action of the PNP | action of the hostage taker

    | make a committee to ensure the proper reparation of the victims

    | another commission to investigate and study the cause and action of mendoza

    | and another board to handle to immediate upgrade of the SWAT | SAF

    and lastly


    and call the nation to rally behind him in this dark times

  10. #1710
    Quote Originally Posted by InHocSignoVincis View Post
    pilipinoss love violence that is why it happened. more pilipinos to suffer in chinese lands. let's see and more to see. your workers abroad will be lot in trouble.
    hayyy...morag hitler style..iya gippatay ang jews ky di kuno maau n race...stupid logic...

    sometimes, we have to think broader to understand more..

    Pnoy, please do something nmn...we're losing faith in you...i do admire your father, but not you...

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