used to believe this, but found out dli d.i
I don't believe in using the world wide web as a way of interacting & socializing. These modern techniques can only harm and lessen the essence of deep communication and bonding that's usually the the ultimate foundation of true friendship/love. From my own perspective, people who really want to know each other should approach personally. In that way false judgments and impressions will be avoided.
fantasy ra..hehe..daghan na naiLad onLine..
It is really possible
Like me, I met my husband-to-be just online. This social network called MYSPACE. 4 years nami cge chat..I really never thought it would be us. Una gani, crush kaau nko xa coz he's just too cute, too sweet. I thought wala ra jud to kay you know na, lisod jud kaau tuohan ang so called "internet love etchos2". Mgkadevelopay mn gud mo ana kay it's like you're getting to know each other though dili jud in person but it feels like in person na pud kay you see each other always though it's just on cam ug u talk with each other over the phone..Who would have thought na after of how many years of chatting, magkita jud mi and who would have thought na ang proposal kay infront sa akong parents...and soon...January 2011 wedding na namo
it CAN be real, if you want it to be REAL... there are those who are in it for fun.
once again, as i said before LOVE is a dangerous game to play.
but if you play the cards right.. things are gonna happen for ya..
and that's how i see it. whether you met online or you guys have been friends since. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN THIS WORLD. =) just believe and be honest!
For me real love na siya oiez maski wla mo ngkita as long as u really feel it......
lisud jud mo commit ka dapat kung nakaila nimo sya online then level up mo, meet him/her and start from there
hmm..i met this gurl online..mos passd of gettin to know..ndevelop ko..kaso wa ngkakami..and when shes took me 2 years to forgt not rely sure if wat i felt was love or just obsession..but how come mao jd toh ako pnkdugay so far nga ngmove on ko..til d tym jd nga.."OK nko"..but wen we met..i was like "so..mao diay ni xa..".. and then i askd myself agen.. "is it really love?". 3 yrs passd npud..k.ana kos ako self.. "YES..i used to love her, almost gve up everythin..and now i missd her".. ECHOZ..
mao ni gi ingon nga "sa ma timingan lang" hehe
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