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  1. #281

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril-crusade
    hi there, here's one of the things i wrote long ago and its about women... hehe i hope you like it

    "A woman is never measured with the power of her charm but with the strength of her heart"
    OT: i love this one. thanks for sharing!!! :mrgreen:

  2. #282

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    ^i'm glad someone appreciated it! thanks miss

  3. #283

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers


    by Paolo S. Macachor

    Lancaster wasn't the type of chap who was obsessively inclined with grooming himself
    with the pomp that other boys who wanted to display the apex of their manhood and
    macho-ness did. At 18, in his second year in college his concerns weren't the trivial
    pedantic scrutiny in his sense of fashion and style.

    He put in his underarms the brand R*****. Not that he was particular with brands anyway,
    though he was an Advertising Major studying in the College of Architecture and Fine
    Arts of the University of St. John Vianney. His particular academic program, being the
    latter. So, yes obviously Lancaster was someone who feared giving out the slightest hint
    of an offensive body odor, especially if the stench was something that reached the noses
    of some of the pretty girls in the Technological Center of John Vianney. Hopefully his
    lovely lady classmates won't notice if R***** did let him down. Yes, yes he was insecure
    about that but it would only be today when he would strain NOT to let it slip past his consciousness
    and to monitor the "life expectancy" of the deodorant's protection.

    Lancaster took advertising because of his passion for media, and maybe even movies
    and music. When he got to John Vianney, he was dressed in a black sweater and jeans.
    As far as Design Fundamentals has taken him he knew wearing dark would accent his
    skinny build but he had no choice. Today was an occasion when nimbus clouds seemed to
    overpower the sun.

    Besides the principles of art being broken down to a science, at this time he was already
    aware of the facts, the fallacies and some of the myths of the advertising world - if only an
    overview from his orientations in the major courses he took. There was one thing that he absorbed
    from his AA 111 - Orientation in Advertising in freshman year, and the teacher noted
    that Cary Grant's character in the movie NORTH BY NORTHWEST has used it as a line
    to throw off his secretary after rebuking an otherwise dirty and unethical deed.

    His classes were from 8: 00 in the morning to 5:00 pm. And the one thing that was actively
    in his conscious mind was weather the R***** body deodorant would last 12 hours and even
    beyond as the ads have promised.

    Physical Education 12, his second to the last class was particularly invigorating because of all
    the dancing with pretty women. This was a freshman minor subject but he hadn't had the chance
    to finish it last year because it's prerequisite PE 12 had dissolved due to the insufficient number
    of enrollees.

    PE 12 was all about dance. What most boys, including himself would classify it as was a "sport"
    that was for fags, but all the chicks around in that fused Physical Education course for both
    boys and girls could compensate for what would have been a frustrating activity for the guys.

    Then the moment came. He sniffed to check on whether R***** had still impressively done it's
    required task to this moment. It hadn't. He detected the malodor already coming from his underarms
    after PE class. This isn't exactly a revelation. Anyone with an iota of intelligence knows
    that body odor protection would wear off especially if rigorous physical activity contributed to it.

    But that wasn't fair! - Or so it would seem for those who were unenlightened. R***** promised to deliver
    and NOT let anyone down! It promised 12 hour protection, it promised to be invincible even
    against the trying day to day activities. But it wasn't.

    Nothing special took place as he finished settling himself down for his last class after PE. No
    extravagant realization or reveal would take place for Lancaster except that his conviction
    would be solidified: There's no such thing as lies in advertising. Only expedient exaggeration.

    When he got home, he showered again.. and applied a second round of the deo. What would have
    been an unnecessary little chore if ads were truthful about R******


  4. #284

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    I have read a lot of books on creative writing and personal accounts of professional and established writers of English Language and they often proclaim that if One is serious to becoming a writer, One must acquire William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White's The Elements of Style. It is probably one of the most influential and best-known prescriptive treatments of English grammar and usage.

    Get the book, Read it, Study, Take what You could Use and then Write-!

  5. #285

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    Thanks for the recommendation, Diem. Noted

    Akong pangitaon sa Limewire ;-b

  6. #286

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    promote promote lang ko... LIFEOFHOLDEN.BLOGSPOT.COM hehehe

  7. #287

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers


  8. #288

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    kinsay andres dire?

  9. #289

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers


    A Story by Paolo S. Macachor

    August 2006

    Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc, - The fallacy in classical logic, derived
    from Latin meaning "After this, therefore necessarily because of this,"
    attributing a former event's manifestation as the necessary cause of
    an effect. In essence, a false notion of causality.

    "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like
    a child will never enter it."

    - Luke 18: 17

    "For the wisdom of this world is nonsense in the eyes of God."
    - 1 Corinthians 3: 19

    PART I:



    Over the course of 20 years, a new popular religious sect of Christianity
    has risen, the EBPC - the Ecclesiastical Body of Paranormal Christendom
    has influenced a large number of followers already. Statistical surveys
    have shown that numbers have grown to hundreds of thousands of followers.
    Because of the reports of miraculous healings in the name of the new clergy,
    ecumenical language has caused the faitfhful to flock to this emerging church.

    Is this the body in which the Divine Being has chosen a modern way of
    revealing His nature?

    Or has the 20 year old assembly been one of the grandest deceptions
    known to mankind?

    To be continued...

  10. #290

    Default Re: Istoryan Writers

    walang magawa it's suppose to be a novel. i dont have a plot whatever happens lang. chapter 1 pa gani ko hahahaa. not my forte, im a programmer, far-out!

  11.    Advertisement

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