para breed ba nato ang tiki?kanang naa ra sa balay..
is it possible to breed tiki?
I assume house lizard imo pasabot, bai johnC?
yes it is possble...
pero when ta maka breed? kini lisod tubagon kai wa pa tingali nakabreed og tiki...
I once found 2 eggs and I transferred it into a deli cup and it hatched after a week. But they escaped once I opened the cup to feed them....hehehe idlas kau.
haha..lisod gyud..kay maka climb man gud cla..hehe..mao lisod ngali sila breed?hehe
ibutang sa grapon bro. pero kanang maka sud ang air. adto butang ang itlog hehe
There are currently 4 common house geckos found in urban places, The largest one being the Tokay gecko or toko (Gecko gecko) followed by the three smaller species, The spiny tailed gecko (Hemidactylus frenulatus), Flat tailed gecko (Cosymbotus platyurus) and the four toed house gecko (Gehyra mutilata). Try catching one and you can easily tell which is which by their common names. The last one (gehyra) is quite unique as it can shed its skin exposing the muscles in an attempt to escape ( as in humok kaau iya panit) and is relatively seen more frequently near the ground or cool places. The Tokay has an international demand though it remains to be very feisty but is not difficult to keep as it does eat even in captivity. Just provide some hides, like an old wood with a crevice and it will take on any food item like mice, large spiders, moths, cockroaches and even small snakes, just keep it lang gyud in a sealed terrarium. as to the breeding, i guess it might be possible for as long as you have two healthy and eating pair. Basta the key thing lang gyud ani nila is privacy. Try petting it as well kung naa muy hatchlings nga makuha as i heard they can be tamed sad. they produce soft eggs which later hardens as it sticks to the walls, trying to pry them off will usually break it so better not. I have tried rearing tokays until adulthood feeding it with common food items above, and though they did thrive but they were very shy yet feisty all the while.
hard thing is..tokay is aggresive..hard to tame..and hard to handle as it bites and run..not like leopard for the small geckos..they have the attitude like maya and city bird...kills themselves..hahaha...dont eat..until hard..but tokay is veryvery nice to take long as it is well that it makes a sound!!hahahah
try the local skinks bai, they are nice to keep as well...i am reffering to the mabuya (brown)species and not the Dasia (green) ones. The greens bite the browns dont, the greens lay eggs, the browns give birth up to 20 skinklets, the greens starve to death, the browns will eat almost anything you'd offer. There are a lot of other beautiful skinks as well, the crocodile skink, tiliqua (exotic) .....basta a lot of em are nice. The spenomorphus is also quite cute, one of the smallest skink species we have here in the Phils.
will try.gonna search for its care..hehe..but tokay makes sound..thats what interest me..hehe
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