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  1. #21
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuyOfYourDreams View Post
    mau ta tog gilahos na lng to ug bsag 300 na lang. From 267 to 300.. arang arang pa nah.. Mas ma feel nga naa jud diay toi increase.. hehehe
    intawon bro....saon man kuno nang 300 a day nya in how many months time manirado ang companya?

    a 300 a day wage translates to Php 9,125 a month. let's say a medium company has 100 employees nga minimum wage earners, that means Php912,500 per month and magasto for S&W alone? wla pay labot mga expenses, ug uban pa? roughly 11million a year for S&W expense? how long will that company last?

    and that is only for the minimum wage earners. what about those on a higher pay scale?
    Last edited by james_chaw; 08-13-2010 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #22
    ^^ bankrupt mn sd labas ana...

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkey360 View Post
    Remember a certain Cebuano variety show organized by a major network? The entertainers who worked on that show complained they were paid "below the minimum wage" and even sued the network for it in a local court.

    Guess what? It turns out the network paid them wages that was about P10 above the minimum wage at the time the talents were hired. This issue, along with many other and series charges, led the case to being dismissed so fast it made the petitioners' heads spin.

    P5,000 a day for dancers? Ha! These people are actually harming local entertainment and they will never admit it.
    murag sa ABS-CBN man na nga issue... there two types of freelance (for me), one is fair and other is unfair...

    kanang sige request ug increase ARE STUPID PEOPLE, they didnt even consider nga it would affect the whole company, ok ra ka mo demand basta klaro ug steady ang income sa company, pero kung nagkamang gani... samot.... manira nalang... request ug increase basta kaya sa companya ug dili mamugos....

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by james_chaw View Post
    intawon bro....saon man kuno nang 300 a day nya in how many months time manirado ang companya?

    a 300 a day wage translates to Php 9,125 a month. let's say a medium company has 100 employees nga minimum wage earners, that means Php912,500 per month and magasto for S&W alone? wla pay labot mga expenses, ug uban pa? roughly 11million a year for S&W expense? how long will that company last?

    and that is only for the minimum wage earners. what about those on a higher pay scale?
    pro management diay ka bro.. hehe...
    are you working 7days a week?? ?
    300*26 ra bro, dili sad 300*30. so naa ra sa mga P7800/month kung 6 days a week ra ang working days nimo..

    gi declare man pud na sauna nga in order for us to survive daily expenses without debt is to have a budget of atleast P10,000.00 / month per family (with only 2kids) considering na nga husband rai naay job.. Mga year 2003 pa man cgro na gisulti, nadungog nako sa balita. Unsa na lang kaha karon nga much more ang ato daily personal expense (wa pay labot ang mga leisures ana, immidiate needs ra jud).

  5. #25
    ^^ksagaran man pod ani mga insik nga company. gaisano, uni-top ug uban pa diha..

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by sharkey360 View Post
    How about this? Local community dancers, those who danced at the malls through shows, through the Sinulog festival or on TV, some of them demand earning P5,000 per day!

    The minimum wage law applies to such "workers" like freelance entertainers. Because many of them think they are part of show business, they claimed they deserve "more than just minimum wage".

    Freelance entertainers such as bands, dancers, and singers will always ask for more because they've made significant investments in their line of work. It's basic capitalism. The entertainers themselves have to shoulder the cost of purchasing costumes, equipment such as props or instruments, not to mention the cost of rehearsals.

    So why are dancers able to ask for 5000php for their services? Because they have a special set of skills not everyone has.

    The same concept applies to some surgeons who are paid $2 million a year-the high cost of their education and training justifies the figures paid for their services annually.

    In contrast, the average salaried worker only needs to have a basic set of skills to perform his, or her job, hence why they have significantly lower wages.

  7. #27
    Elite Member james_chaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuyOfYourDreams View Post
    pro management diay ka bro.. hehe...
    it's a two way street but management is the one risking their money in order to earn a living at the same time provide opportunities to people who'd like to work for them. All the employee has to do is do their work or do as they are told and you will be compensated accordingly. The employee need not think about what will happen to the company but management does. even after work , ang utok nila na ga.huna huna ghapon about the future of the company. they think forward otherwise the company will stagnate and eventually deteriorate.

  8. #28
    mag-agad jd ni sa stability sa usa ka institution...

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by diatabz View Post
    Freelance entertainers such as bands, dancers, and singers will always ask for more because they've made significant investments in their line of work. It's basic capitalism. The entertainers themselves have to shoulder the cost of purchasing costumes, equipment such as props or instruments, not to mention the cost of rehearsals.

    So why are dancers able to ask for 5000php for their services? Because they have a special set of skills not everyone has.

    The same concept applies to some surgeons who are paid $2 million a year-the high cost of their education and training justifies the figures paid for their services annually.

    In contrast, the average salaried worker only needs to have a basic set of skills to perform his, or her job, hence why they have significantly lower wages.
    Still P5,000/day for a local community cultural dancer is excessive, whether he/she is a freelancer or an entertainment employee. Just how long do these dancers dance, 15 minutes?

    You saw all those dancers in those shows at the mall or at TV? Their take home pay rarely goes beyond P300 (allowance, wage, fee, whatever it's called). Oh, their dances last only minutes and their skills are quite common.

    I think P5,000/day is justified if it was a skilled foreign dancer who could perform moves that Filipinos are not used to, or someone with a big reputation that accompanies his/her skills.

    Back to the minimum wage issue, I hope that those receiving it soon will enjoy it. Wage adjustments don't happen too often anyway.

  10. #30
    I keep hearing these ever-repeating reports about the two major networks paying their local entertainers here in Cebu. These are rates prior to the very recent wage adjustment.

    ABS-CBN: P380/day
    GMA: P267/day

    What's the most common thing about these reports and buzz for the last few years? Never have I heard ABS-CBN paying less P300 a day, and never have I heard GMA paying any wage reaching P300 or more.

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