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simple. read the article that was given to you and do the math.
excerpts of the article:
Arreza said the P26.865 million in salary, allowances and "extraordinary and miscellaneous fees" attributed to him by the COA in 2009 was misleading because it did not give a true picture of his "total real compensation."
Arreza said his monthly gross salary is P131,880.77 and his take home pay is P95,449.35. "My compensation has remained as it was since I was appointed in 2005. It was the same salary enjoyed by my predecessors that was set in 2000," he said.
Arreza said the P15-million intelligence fund attributed to him by COA is divided as follows: P10 million goes to Task Force Subic for its anti-smuggling operations while the remaining P5 million, which is divided between him and SBMA Chair Feliciano Salonga, goes to the law enforcement department of the SBMA as well as its investigative division.
The rest of the amount cited by the COA, minus the intelligence funds, goes to "extraordinary and miscellaneous expenses of the entire agency, which is submitted to the board for approval, and [dispensed] through my office," he said.