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  1. #11

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkCode View Post
    i think sa senate mni nga proposal dle ka ab-noy... correct me if im wrong lng
    wether its from the senate of wherever it still under his administration...pagkahitter gyud nimu.hehehe ngano krn ra na m.implement its bcoz the previous govt likes to put their faces on what ever project govt is doing...mkwitness man cguro ka ana. sulob2 dayun ug hard hat...tks tkst k

  3. #13
    this is for new projects. but what about the old projects? also those flyovers? shouldn't the names be painted over or something?

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    this is for new projects. but what about the old projects? also those flyovers? shouldn't the names be painted over or something?
    Well, I hope the bill includes that.

    Hilas man kaayo gud, "Through the efforts of...", mura ma'g ilang kwarta gamit nga ato manang buwis nga gibayran. Kinsa'y taga Urgello, kay naa jud to'y usa nga hasta ang mga bench sa ila sports complex kay gibutangan gyud ug ngalan sa pulitiko.

    Excuse pa atong usa, para daw dili vandalan. Hastang. Naa man gu'y laing paagi.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by reypel View Post
    wether its from the senate of wherever it still under his administration...pagkahitter gyud nimu.hehehe ngano krn ra na m.implement its bcoz the previous govt likes to put their faces on what ever project govt is doing...mkwitness man cguro ka ana. sulob2 dayun ug hard hat...tks tkst k
    hahaha gcorrect lng nangani nga from senate dle jd ka AbNoy.. tsk tsk tsk Plus2 si PNoy ani nga moves... hehehe

  6. #16

  7. #17
    Bitaw! magpa impress pa gyud oi!

  8. #18
    approved na ni? last nko dungog gi propose pani.

  9. #19
    once again just to clarify
    Secretary Rogelio L. Singson issued Department Order 37 directing implementing offices of the agency namely Regional, District Engineering and Project Management Offices to adhere to the revised DPWH Standard Project Billboard format banning the use of name or image of any personages including the President in the project billboard. Secretary Singson said that the revised DPWH Project Billboard is also in accordance with the instruction of President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III which ordering all government agencies not to use his name or image on government programs and projects.
    katong Senate bill wala pana ma passed, why wait when Singson can just order in accordance to P-Noy's wishes

    once again katong proposed Senate Bill is for ALL public signs, including kanang mga garbage cans, waiting sheds ug unsa pa dinha displaying the politician's name

    this DO37 is for new DPWH projects, kung naa kay makitan na new DPWH projects bearing a politician's name you can text DPWH

  10. #20
    ^^okay kaayu ko ana. murag mahurot jd cgro atong load ana dah.

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