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  1. #1

    Thumbs up The Magic of Compound Interest

    This is one of the best allies to build wealth...

    "Do you have any idea how much your money is growing?"

    or "Is it growing?"

  2. #2
    bro, naa ka libro ani? naa man gud libro ani then mao na ang title? mao man gud na gi recommend sa amoa during ga review pa ko para board exam...

  3. #3
    @medwarc: wala ko ani nga book bro, this is just a chapter of a book I'm reading...

    I just want to share this very helpful info regarding interest rates:

    Problem: Most people think a few extra percentage points of interest don't amount to much money.

    Solution: Just one or two percent of interest compounded over a number of years can be the difference in thousands and thousands of additional dollars for you.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by medwarc View Post
    bro, naa ka libro ani? naa man gud libro ani then mao na ang title? mao man gud na gi recommend sa amoa during ga review pa ko para board exam...
    bai Mark. hehehe! Kumusta?
    Last edited by lorenzoleo; 08-05-2010 at 10:54 PM.

  5. #5
    musta bro? wa pa jud ko ka decide...hehehe

  6. #6
    take the first step to your financial success it does not happen if you stare someone and drool.. matud pa sa famous nga skul karon ACT now..ahahaha

  7. #7
    There is no magic in compound interest, it is nature. The Law of exponents. Grows and decays in nature follows exponential law. Don't resist nature, ride it.

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