Yes bro investing has risk but calculated risk. Ayawg too anang investment na mu guaranteed ang return ug very high interest rate kay ilad na. Ang average Return kung mag invest ka sa Mutual Funds or money market funds in long term about 8% to 15% per annum ra on average.
Para gusto ka na ma spread or ma minimize ang risk, diversify your portfolioes, don't place it in one basket only.
If you want to invest in stocks, it is better to try first investing on Mutual funds. Investing in single stock is very risky, it is much safer in mutual fund because the fund is diversified into different securities/ stocks.
You can attend Financial Planning and risk management seminars. You can message me if you want to attend to attend Risk Management seminars and I can guarantee you real speaker that has RFP(Registered Financial Planners) title so that you can be given a professional Financial advice.
"Most people dream to be very successful, but only few are willing to pay the price."
- Jose Enrique Delas Penas, IMG(International Marketing Group) President