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  1. #211


    NEWS: No gasoline price cuts until 2007 — Flying V

    Local oil dealer Flying V sees crude oil price to stay at $65 per barrel on the average for the medium term until end-December.

    This will mean that price rollback on domestic fuels will unlikely to happen in the coming weeks, Flying V chairman Ramon Villavicencio said.

    Flying V, nevertheless, said it will continue with its offer of discounted price of diesel at P1 per liter for public utility vehicles.

    The company has 42 stations offering the P1 discount out of the 110 stations nationwide. It will be continuing this offer due to the locational presence of competitor stations offering discounted diesel prices, Villavicencio said.

    He further said the discounted diesel is partly being subsidized by its revenues from gasoline, but this product only contributes sales of 35 percent compared to 65 percent share of diesel.

    The gross margin for major oil companies in the domestic market is 8 percent and this is reduced to 3 percent net margin. Villavicencio said this is the going rate under the deregulated oil industry.

    For the independent oil companies including Flying V, the net margin is between 3 percent to 4 percent which is derived after deducting expenses for operation and amortization on capital depreciation, among others.

    Revenues from retail business which major oil firms get from such franchised food outlets is not commonly derived from operations among stations of independent oil firms, according to Villavicencio.

    In continuing with the P1 diesel discount, Flying V has to maintain its provision of P0.60 per liter for the margin of its dealers.

  2. #212

    Default Oil Companies Making a Killing out of Consumers.... clearly overpriced!!!

    mga peeps what happened sa oil price karon its geeting higher and higher wala nata mapili ang 3 ka gas station peho2x na jud og price....
    is there something we can do bout it?

  3. #213

    Default Re: Gas!!!!!!!!!

    there's nothing we can do..OPEC manipulates the world oil prices

  4. #214

    Default Re: Gas!!!!!!!!!

    yup, there's nothing we can do about that. if gusto ta mo boycott maypa mag bisikleta nalng ta tanan unya dili nalang ta mag drive sa atong mga sakyanan everyday.

    unsa man uyon mo? ako uyon ko ani para pud maka exercise ko aron mo gamay ko...

  5. #215

    Default Re: Gas!!!!!!!!!

    grabeh bitaw non-stop ang saka sa gasolina. saun na ni? i'm used to bring car sa office, pero karon tagsa nalang kaayu, kana lang naa ko impt nga lakaw after office.

  6. #216

    Default Re: Gas!!!!!!!!!

    i don't think oil prices will come down.......

    oil is both a gift and curse and OPEC countries should really think hard

    What will happen to those oil producing countries in the middle east when their oil underground rans out.....

    middle east will simply collapse with all the chaos that will happen...... there is no other industry except oil.....

    its so hot there where will they get electriciy when oil rans out......

    many people will die from heat exhaustion there......

    there are no plants that grow there...... where will they get food??

    this will be a catastrophe in the making....

  7. #217

    Default Re: Gas!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tolstoi
    there's nothing we can do..OPEC manipulates the world oil prices
    phuck opec!

  8. #218

    Default World Oil Prices at $78 a barrel....... expect 1 peso hike this weekend

    PAET gyud........

  9. #219

    Default Re: World Oil Prices at $78 a barrel....... expect 1 peso hike this weekend

  10. #220

    Default Re: World Oil Prices at $78 a barrel....... expect 1 peso hike this weekend

    hahayyyy, mag lpg gas nalang ta ani. maayo unta ang motor kay mabutangan pod og lpg

    for sure otro pod ning lpg motaas pod

  11.    Advertisement

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