See you sa Exhibit Guys!
Thanks to Leostargolem for the design of the poster!! nicework...!\m/ rock on...
See you sa Exhibit Guys!
Thanks to Leostargolem for the design of the poster!! nicework...!\m/ rock on...
hi hi... kinsay naay kaila namaligya ug aldabra?PM me..
thank you
sure2x.... aldabra giant tortoise dako kaau na tortoise bt akong nahan paliton kay kana baby pa kay mas cheaper.. hehehe
MEETING @ Wakan'zzz GRAND PALACE...(july 18, 2010, 6:00 pm)
*senxa now lang ni nako nah post, medyo nah busy gamay
1.) ID design for C.U.T.E.
we need to have an Identification Card, in the process we need to have a finalized design for our ID.
2.) Coordinators
Overall Coordinator: Hydrozam
External Coordinator: Wakan 2 (Tiny)
Internal Coordinator: Chormatus
Records: Bluebubble
Finance: Wakan 1 (dhaine)
Logistics: Doclerw, Wakan Company & Keboy
3.) We need to secure transportation policy & fee for animal (turtle) travel
4.) We also need to secure turtle requirements as pets
5.) Ucoming exhibit this coming august 1-8, 2010
set up time : Sunday, Monday & Tuesday (August 1-3, 2010)
A. These are the list of members who are willing to exhibit their tanks:
Hydrozam & Bluebubble
Siok'mon & Cindy_Bonez
Stacy (tentative)
*Please feel free to add your names to those who are interested
B. A Talk on Turtle Keeping ( Leostargolem & Chormatus)
6.) Finalization of C.U.T.E Logo
7.) T-shirts c/o Chormatus
8.) Finalization of membership forms
9.) Sinking Funds c/o dhaine
10.)Next meeting @ Persimmon Plus August 1, 2010
11.) To make a facebook account c/o Tiny ( Tiny already made the Cebu Turtle Facebook Account. Please do visit the site.![]()
@ ALL: Emergency Meeting dz Sunday, August 1, 2010 @ 4:00PM sAh Persimmon Plus...
bALi SET-UP nATa dZ sUndAy dn after d' SET-UP kAy mEETiNg Ta'H 4 d' wHoLe-wEEk EXHibit AcTiviTy... kita-kiT's dd2 mGa C.U.T.E....
BTW, kEnsA kinA.hAngLan Ug HELP, especially sah TrANspOrTATiOn sAh iLaNg mGA TURTS 4 d' Exhibit...
TxT mEh LnG or cOnTacT doclerw (Logistics Coordinator)...
@WAKAN(Tiny): pls. ko pOsT AbOuT sAh Meeting in OuR FACEBOOK AccOunT.... TsALAmAT dUdE...
Last edited by hydrozam; 07-30-2010 at 01:14 PM.
When ang inyong exhibit? I might drop by if I have the time.
Thanks for your assistance and participation C.U.T.E-ies! including Ki sa cuties.hahahaha
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