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For the newcomers, read this FAQ. Be informed and understand lingam massage better.
Frequently Asked Questions
Lingam massage should not be approved in a relegious country like Philippines which consist of almost 95percent Roman Catholic. It's like an insult on our part Filipinos, if you see us practicing those relegious ceremonies etc... And there's another form of Element " Lingam Massage" doing practices that arent reasonable. Although its purpose and meaning " genital massage" is not really 100% what we think, but the fact that we can see that thing, its an embarassment among Filipinos.
True that some minds are closed.
Some people will do anything on something they fear. We've seen them attack rock music in the 1950s (they called it devil music), attack Dungeons & Dragons in the 1980s (called it devil worship), attack The Da Vinci Code, and now lingam massage here in Cebu.
True - people fear what they don't understand.
lol exactly hahahaahha wev gone through books from dr.jose rizal .. didnt it mean anything to these guys?? hhahahahhaha
Cebu Provincial Women’s Commission (PWC) is urging an investigation of lingam massage in Mandaue City. I wonder which joint offers the massage there - let me guess...Stressfree.
PWC thinks that women working in a lingam joint are probably minors or whores, whose rights are being violated similar to those who work in bars and sleazy joints.
Authentic Lingam Massage (ALM) and Chuva-Chuva so far have proven to be professional not only to customers but also its employees. More about the women who work there, it's simply not fair to assume that they are whores or abused women unless such theories could be proven beyond reasonable doubt.
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