oi chansing mo apil ug gakos. hehe. diha siguro ka nadaut sa gakos gakos.Originally Posted by daMiro ronaB
oi chansing mo apil ug gakos. hehe. diha siguro ka nadaut sa gakos gakos.Originally Posted by daMiro ronaB
mura jud ingana...woi wala ko nag-chancing woi...mka-tink pakaha ka ana mga butanga sa situation...nice lng feeling na special ko para niya...
@dams mao lgi na ato weakness bai.. once mu gakos na gni.. aw weak na kaayo ta.. hehehe
For me, we need to protect ourselves from unnecessary compromises especially with regards to counselling, if a woman has problem let the woman hear them, they are a lot of unwanted pregnancies and circumstances happen due to male and female counseling. Lets protect ourselves for our future family, our future sons and daughters and for our credibility.Originally Posted by daMiro ronaB
mao jud, mura imo positive enery kay ila kuhaon....then mo-fall na noun ka...nya dayon mo-strong na sila ikaw napud ang weak....Originally Posted by jugs_06
if we put malice into it, then what you've said is not far from happening..Originally Posted by *dudes*
^^^^^ OT: mao jed bai.... huna2x ra jed sa tawo ang nagdala ana...:mrgreen:
i was thinking about it b4 but, nagpasulabi man gu ako UGG ani bayhana huhuhhu
You know what, I just think it depends on who is crying on your shoulder... We have many roles we play in life, and many people we are linked to by relationships.
Like me, for instance...
Since I was a boychild, I have been the crying shoulder for my Mother. In the past, my father is often away from home working as a mechanical engineer, leaving my mother to raise three fast growing sons.
I am the Eldest and thus entrusted the responsibility to help my Mother, but a child can only do so much. My mother is a strong woman but sometimes a life in the big city of Manila can overwhelm a simple Cebuana lass. She gets tired, frustrated, wishing her husband home, realizing the futility of such wishing so what does she do... she cries on my shoulder.
That's when I first learned that the most painful thing for me to see is seeing a woman cry.
When I grew up into highschool and college, made friendships and got involved in some romantic intrigues, I had my more than a fair share of tears on my shoulder. And not just from the ladies, but from guys and those who stand in between if you know what I mean. For them, its just a measure of comfort and relief to be with someone they can be human with, to reveal themselves without restraint, to throw away the facade of being strong.. Someone to listen, to share things they couldn't share to anyone else, at that moment.
@damiro, I know you are a good person but from the impression that I've been getting from you is that you're sort of feeling abused (you called yourself a victim in your first post). Not to brag but undergoing through this experience just twice lang?! Hmmmm... when you have comforted around twenty people(guys, gals and gays alike), your shirt soaked with their eyes' wet salt, get back to me and let's have a talk eh?
I just think that One shouldn't feel selfish about such things... particularly when a person comes to you for help. Consider the feeling of pain s/he must be going through... no matter what the circumstances may be that lead to such feeling.. maybe s/he did deserve it... but still s/he is seeking compassion, comfort... if you see a drowning person in a stormy sea and you're safe on a boat with a lifebouy in your hands.. will you let the person drown? No, of course not. Though the situation here is not as extreme but still the value is there... You'll be saving his/her life by this small act of kindness.
To whoever it may be who comes to you in Sadness, to whatever you may feel towards that person, at that moment YOU are all that s/he's got... At that moment YOU ARE ALL THAT S/HE'S GOT... So don't be a Stranger, be Family-- we are all Human... at that moment, be a Blessing to those who so need of it.
What we do in life echoes throughout eternity~ Please support your lokal artists and their efforts to promote the Cebuano identity and culture!
@ diem
I think it was the sweetest thing, that i can do for a friend...i mentioned bout the 1st one....that was tragec, when she became strong she left our friendship, the 2nd one is not bad, she did not, and decides to kip her promise to stay as a friend, eventhough she knows that i still got feelings for her.....
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