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  1. #271


    Once we regain our strong and formidable military........ nad once ASEAN allows us to use nukes, the China won't find us easy prey...... if North Korea has the Nukes then South Korea has the Technology and the Money........... if China has the largest army then the Philippines, U.S and NATO has the most PROFESSIONAL military in the World. Just like what Gen. Douglas McArthur once said, "Give 100 Filipino soldiers and I can conquer the world."

  2. #272
    i am totally lost ^

  3. #273
    when did macarthur say that?

  4. #274
    Elite Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ********r View Post
    when did macarthur say that?
    Sometime before he died.

  5. #275
    Elite Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by leonell View Post
    If we revive our military superiority then China will have to back off..........

    We're bein bullied coz we're weak!

    if we resume power like jow we dominate southeadt asia by the 60's then we'll be respected by the international community.........
    Not going to happen. Not in my lifetime.

  6. #276
    "MacArthur once said during the Korean War, where several battalions of Philippine soldiers fought under his United Nations command, “Give me 100 Filipino soldiers and I will conquer the world.” Hyperbolic as it seemed, it was a testament to the Filipino fighting men whose loyalty to the United States was beyond question and whose bravery in war was par to none."

    Okay I found it! hehehe!

    Macarthur Quote

  7. #277

    Default US Nuclear Sub in the Phil. ,did anybody notice?

    news from yahoo..

    U.S. Tomahawk Missiles Deployed Near China Send Message - Yahoo! News

    here are some parts..

    'If China's satellites and spies were working properly, there would have been a flood of unsettling intelligence flowing into the Beijing Headquarters of the Chinese navy last week. A new class of U.S. superweapon had suddenly surfaced nearby. It was an Ohio-class submarine, which for decades carried only nuclear missiles targeted against the Soviet Union, and then Russia. But this one was different: for nearly three years, the U.S. Navy has been dispatching modified "boomers" to who knows where (they do travel underwater, after all). Four of the 18 ballistic-missile subs no longer carry nuclear-tipped Trident missiles. Instead, they hold up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles each, capable of hitting anything within 1,000 miles with non-nuclear warheads. '

    'That's why alarm bells would have sounded in Beijing on June 28 when the Tomahawk-laden 560-ft. U.S.S. Ohio popped up in the Philippines' Subic Bay. More alarms were likely sounded when the U.S.S. Michigan arrived in Pusan, South Korea, on the same day. And the Klaxons would have maxed out as the U.S.S. Florida surfaced, also on the same day, at the joint U.S.-British naval base on Diego Garcia, a flyspeck of an island in the Indian Ocean. In all, the Chinese military awoke to find as many as 462 new Tomahawks deployed by the U.S. in its neighborhood. "There's been a decision to bolster our forces in thePacific," says Bonnie Glaser, a China expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. "There is no doubt that China will stand up and take notice." '

    .. so subic bay isnt fully closed to US military after all.. & what's frightening is that that's a nuc sub in our waters.. & even if they're not equipped w/ nuc warheads anymore, they still run on nuclear power.. & once i read on reader's digest about the russian nuke sub incident.. kinda like chernobyl on water.. & even if they say they're not equipped w/ trident nuke missles, they only now have tomahawks, i know for a fact that a tomahawk can be equipped w/ a nuclear warhead, i have the book 'weapons of the gulf war' & janes subscription online =) ,so even if they say they're only tomahawks, i'd bet they'd stack a few nuke warheads in their subs if they have to go against china or north korea, cause these guys are nuclear nations..

    what we dont have in our seas is a sonar array system.. the phil. is an archipelago & it would have been quite useful if we at least have that in our pacific & china sea coast.. i've read one tom clancy book that told stories of submarine chases in our seas between china & the US.. kinda like the 'ping' battles between russian subs & us subs in the atlantic & northern pacific.. but the only difference is that it happens in our waters.. of course our navy & coast guard are even having a hard time defending us from domestic threats, they do not have equipment to defend us from foreign threats.. when i look at the philippines map, i say to myself that somehow, some chinese sub captain could navigate himself from china sea, down to visayas & mindanao & back out to china again w/o being detected, & that's just for fun or for building himself a reputation.. or maybe that would be their final exam in order to be captain..

    but it seems we got bigger fish to fry, poverty, education, corruption.. new technology for the military will not be the priority of the govt. , bahala na mag linoparay ang missles diha kay wla man ta labot ana.. the only problem is that it might happen quite nearer than we expect.. & we might be part of the so called 'collateral damage'..

  8. #278
    paeta aning ma pagan ta sa ilang duwa2x ui... mapapas man sigoro ang pilipinas....

  9. #279
    mahimo ra ta paon.,. haha

  10. #280
    nag field trip cla dri sa pinas?

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