A lot have been asking "What's new?". Well, here are some of those...
- SMF updated to 1.1RC2
- AJAX editing. You can now edit your posts in place. (New SMF feature)
- Separate sticky topics from regular topics (New SMF feature)
- Code verification during registration. (New mod)
- Sticky first post on sticky topics. This makes the first post of sticky topics visible on all pages. (New mod)
- I enabled Karma / User Ratings w/Karma Description Mod. Junior Members and up can now "rate" other users. (SMF feature + Mod) - will be disabled if abused.
- Quick Reply enabled by default. (SMF feature)
- Create a topic on reported posts. Everytime someone "reports" a post, a new topic will be created about that report in one of our private forums. This is a tool for moderators.
- Buddy List - You can add friends to your Buddy List to make them more visible @ the Users Online section.
- Personal Messages Labeling - You can now organize your PM's thru labels. (New SMF feature)
- Advertisements (Google Ads and more...) - (3rd Party Ad Server/Rotator Integration)
... there are some more that I can't recall at the moment and still some more to be added. I'll update this thread when I can recall or when I have installed new ones.