IMHO the Transition is more of a "drivable airplane" than a flying car. By calling the Transition a "flying car" (i.e. taking into consideration its characteristics/capabilities), then you can therefore say that an ordinary Cessna 182 Skylane 4-seat aircraft to be a "flying car"--why? Because both do this:
Cessna 182
1. Needs a runway to take off from
2. Needs a runway to land on
3. Cannot take off from a regular straight paved road on a regular day
4. Can take off from a regular straight paved road in an emergency
1. Needs a runway to take off from
2. Needs a runway to land on
3. Cannot take off from a regular straight paved road on a regular day
4. Can take off from a regular straight paved road in an emergency
The only thing the Transition does differently is, it can taxi all the way from the runway to your house. That's it.
So, again, if the Transition is your definition of a flying car, then this is also a flying car: